What if the Arts Marketplace Was Open to Everyone?

2 min readOct 18, 2017


Look Lateral, the first European platform for global contemporary art exchange, and one of the first Dragonchain Incubator businesses.

A less frequently discussed, but equally transformative element of the Dragonchain, Inc. value proposition, is its business Incubation program. The Incubator program cultivates real world applications of the theoretical use-cases developed in the original Disney working group. These businesses provide vivid pictures of just what type of applications the turnkey Dragonchain platform enables.

LookLateral is one of the first Dragonchain Incubator businesses to be unveiled, and offers just such an exciting glimpse of the future. Headquartered in Mantova, Italy, long a center of both art and innovation, Look Lateral is poised to revolutionize the ownership, valuation, authentication, localization and exchange of fine art through its blockchain based service.

According to Nic­colò Fil­ippo Veneri Savoia:, founder of the LookLateral online platform and son of the Italian journalist Maria Grazia Savoia who first published the original Look Lateral art catalog, his vision is to bring transparency and accessibility to the world of contemporary fine art. These have traditionally been two of the art world’s greatest challenges, Savoia (the son) says, and they are also two of blockchain’s greatest strengths.

It’s no surprise then that LookLateral will use the Dragonchain platform to deploy it’s tokenized blockchain system for secure and accessible fine art authentication and exchange. The system replicates a traditional Catalog by assigning each artwork a physical record (like a passport), connected to a globally accessible immutable public ledger of its characteristics and ownership, using tokens for the exchange of these works.

“Blockchain is the best technology for authenticating information,” says Savoia in explaining both the need and the solution to the problem.

LookLateral, and other Incubator businesses we’ll be working with using funds from this month’s crowdsale, demonstrate how Dragonchain is the scalable and secure hybrid architecture needed for turnkey blockchain implementation across industries.

Don’t miss your chance to be a part of the movement which begins it all. Read more about how to purchase the capped supply of Dragons being sold in this month’s ICO.

