A Twin Flame Journey… What and Why?

Dragonhorse Studio 144
6 min readNov 25, 2022


Artwork done by Artist Tracie Roy titled — Twin Flames Kenaz and Isa…

The Time is Now, now is the Time

Each and every one of us have a twin flame. Someone that resonates at the very same frequency as you do. Not all twin flames are incarnate at the same time. One twin will stay behind to guide the other, taking turns lifetime after lifetime. Only to incarnate together during their last Earth walk. Although, we are finding that there has been a huge explosion of twin flames incarnating together. This is due to the awakening, awareness of the period that we are existing in and to help aid humanity in realizing the bigger picture of it all.

Soulmates connect to help each other grow. Twin flames connect to help the world. The twin flame journey will not even happen until your both at a certain level spiritually.

Yes, it will be one of the most difficult relationship that you’ve ever been in and at the same time the most rewarding.

This journey is not all rainbows and unicorns. It is one that forces you to see your denied shadow, as it will be played out right in front of you. That is why most people run, then there’s that stage. It happens because the runner is not ready to face themselves and to accept and love those parts that they have denied even existed.

Not everybody will experience this runner/chaser stage the same way. This relationship is a push/ pull, positive/negative, masculine/feminine divine.

You may be resonating close to the same frequency but there will always be one twin slightly ahead of the other, until they reach the union. Think of the connection like a magnet, and how magnets attract, that is how twins attract, magnetically. A Push/pull dynamic.

The twin flame bandwagon, in my personal opinion, is dangerous and makes people obsessive because it is not fully understood. There are so many out there that are truly just trying to make a buck or two at the expense of others. Then there are those that just don’t understand or are not aware of the true meaning of twin flames. Of course, there is the fact that everyone of us fear loneliness, be-ing without another that totally understands and accepts us for who we really are.

There is no one that can tell you how to proceed on your journey or whether it is a twin flame journey or not. All that we can do for each other is to share our own experiences and hope that there is something in our journey that can aid you in yours. Either it will resonate with you or it will not. This is because of our truth, what our truth is. Your truth is your truth, what you feel is true at your core. Just be aware, and ask yourself, what happens if your not operating from your core be-ing, your true authentic self?

Know this, unless there is total self acceptance and self-love made in your inner world...it will never happen in the outer world...

As within so without, as above so below, the micro cassium and the maco cassium, the law of correspondence and The universal laws are perfect. In other words, the inner union needs to happen first. Our outer world is but a mere reflection of our inner world.

The thing is if your really with your twin, they may not be as supportive as one thinks... Remember they are their own individual person, with their own morales, ideas and integrity. Might not be exactly like yours. With that being said, what Ive found is that because your close to the same frequency/level they’re almost always is a willing to communicate and find temperance. Unless they are afraid to accept those denied aspects of themselves. It’s this denial of self that sabotages the relationship, not the other. Yes they are the one that is running but it also means that your not accepting all the parts of yourself either. They are simply playing out the mirror. No?

Our entire journey here is one that is of a spiritual being having a physical experience. To have this physical experience as intended we must first become our true authentic self. Otherwise the entire thing is only an illusion…a lie. If we are not operating from our original blueprint then how can we have those experiences properly as intended? Programming and learned behaviors have caused about 99.9 percent of all people’s to give away their personal power. No???

If a person, place or thing causes you to make certain choices and decisions because of, then yes, you are giving away your personal power to a person, place, or thing. Which inturn causes us to build walls up around our hearts in fear of getting hurt again. Layer after layer we build these walls which inevitably continue to take us further and further from our true authentic self.

We always have a choice, no one can ever take that from us, for that is our God given gift. That is what makes us the creation and the co-creator. There is nothing known or unknown that has this ability. It is this very gift that we should celebrate and be grateful for daily.

Unfortunately, there has been this disconnect between our four bodies and the three aspects of self… causing us to forget who and what we are and why we are. Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world. Any and all judgement cast on another is a mere projection of our denied shadow. Our denied shadow is either the push/pull aspect of self. Our inner duality. This push/pull within has been referenced as the lion and the eagle by some. I like to reference it as the dragon and the horse. It matters not as long as one understands the concept itself. It is the balancing of this lion and eagle that results in the inner union…creating the Griffen within or the DragonHorse within.

Self-acceptance and self-love are the keys to unlocking this.

The union of twin flames is something that happens in the inner world first. The outer union of twins occurs when they are connected through our individual personal 15 chakra grid bodies. One of the reasons why the union must occur on the inner first. That is also why people that do not have their twin incarnate here with them can still be in union as well.

All this being said bottom line is if your not doing the self work…the inner work to balance your polarities within. Then what’s the point, really??? To feel good for only a moment? Why not make the moment eternal?

Ram Das says “it is within the moment that we find timelessness, time only exists between the moments.”

In conclusion, I hope that this has maybe shed some more light on this topic for you. By all means please feel free to comment and/or ask questions if you like. I am a technician of the sacred in service of the creator for all of creation. It is a waste to have the gift of knowing and to not share it in some way shape or form. Till next time In Lak’ech AlaK’in.

DragonHorse Studio 144

Tracie Roy

“It is the law of In Lak’ech Ala K’in, which means I am another yourself (A modern day interpretation). It also means I am you, and you are me (A traditional Mayan interpretation). We have come to understand that this Mayan greeting is an honoring for each other. It is a statement of unity and oneness.”

A little secret I’m going to pass on… your twin flame…there will be exactly 13 cm height difference between the two of you… exactly 13 cm… a small gift from spirit and me to you…I love you all!!!



Dragonhorse Studio 144

Tracie Roy and Warren Gross dedicated to creating a safe place for Artists of all walks of life to freely express themselves. In Lak’ ech Ala K’in