Your wants and what they got to do with quantum physics?

Dragon's Nest
4 min readJun 22, 2023


If I asked you to describe what you wanted more of in your life, what would your answer be?

Photo by FLY:D on Unsplash

Many times in my life I have been presented with proof that my thoughts, wishes and beliefs materialise. In fact, now that I look back, they always did. When I bought my first car, I, for some reason, used to wonder: “What will I do, if I happen to get a flat tire? Will I manage to replace it on my own? Where would I get help?” Weird thought but, then, people are weird. Funnily enough this thought kept on randomly popping back to my mind until it materialised.

My friends and I rented a car to drive around Ireland for a few days. There were four of us and I happened to volunteer to drive. We were about to hit the road when one of my friends inquired whether our rented car was equipped with a spare tire. I checked and it was. Just three hours later in the middle of rural Ireland we found ourselves with a flat tire. Between the four of us we figured out how to replace the flat tire at which point we realised that we did not have the right tools to unscrew it in the first place. We drove to the nearest garage, had the tire replaced and were keen to get going again. My friend, nonetheless, suggested that we get the flat tire fixed too. This would come at our own cost and therefore I was not too keen on the idea. She insisted though: “We might get a flat tire again.” I obeyed silently knowing full well that with such thinking we were bound for this to happen to us again.

This is just one example but I can dig out hundreds more. With all these experiences I was becoming increasingly aware of my most frequent thoughts becoming a reality. At the same time I had no explanation for it. Until I stumbled on a book by Mel Collins* who explained it wonderfully simply from the quantum physics perspective. There are two aspects to it. Quantum physics has confirmed that humans are vibrational beings resonating with their own frequency. Each thought has its own frequency too. To put it bluntly in order to understand what I am saying, one needs to tune to a frequency similar to mine. Like you would tune your car radio to be able to listen to your favourite ration station.

The second aspect is the law of attraction. The law of attraction states that our vibrational energy attracts to us whatever is on the same vibrational frequency. It is also described as “like attracts like”. You might have noticed yourself that there are days when you are in great mood. You are simply beaming with positivity and joy. And everything you put your hand to on such a day works out wonderfully well. You might even go gambling and you will win. This is unless you are a compulsive gambler, of course :)

One last thing I would mention to complete the puzzle. The Universe is like a genie. Everytime you ask for something, it replies: “Your wish is my command.” There is one trick though: the Universe does not know the word “no”. This is why when somebody says: “I do not want something,“ this is precisely what they get. Say what you DO want instead. It is as simple as that. Our brains are lazy and they are constantly looking for ways to save energy. Coming up with stuff we do NOT want is effortless. Imagining something that we do want, on the other hand, quite often requires thinking i.e. time and energy. Thus, our brains need to be consciously put to a task to think positively and creatively to come up with more good stuff that we want.

If I go back to that same workshop I have just mentioned above. There was a man sitting next to me with a badge on his backpack that read: “Life without hate.” Two negatives in a three word sentence. Just for fun I asked him: “What do you want more of in your life?” It took him three attempts before he could come up with what he wants instead of what he does not :) He liked this exercise nonetheless and asked me the same question. I also had to pause and think before I could answer positively.

And what do you want more of in your life? :)

* Collins, Mel. The Handbook for Highly Sensitive People. London, 2019.



Dragon's Nest

This space is a creative outlet for articulating my ideas as they develop further and sharing some of my experiences.