Minigame Day 2 — Secret key Dragon War

DragonWar Official
2 min readFeb 18, 2022


We are here with an interesting minigame for our beloved community. This time, Dragon War will grant worldwide Dragon War lovers chances to become one of the lucky of our mysterious Gift Box from Dragons that everyone dreams of.

First of all, we are so excited when there are a lot of members joining this minigame.

Here is the answers of part 1:

  1. WAR

Now, let’s jump in part 2:

In this part, you will have 3 questions related to 3 horizontal squares Which you need to complete to find out the SECRET KEY of this game.

Start time : 00:00 PM UTC Feb 18 TO 1:00 PM UTC Feb 19

Rule to join: The game will provide a DRAGON WAR-related topic (character, equipment, etc. ), with the vertical square serving as the key to that topic. Each letter of this vertical line is represented by the other horizontal squares, which are support questions. To advance to the following question, users must answer the horizontal lines within a certain amount of time. If you answer all of the questions in the horizontal row, the answer will appear in the vertical line.

NOTE: The results will only be acknowledged if you participate in all parts of the game.

Now, let’s get started:

  1. This is a digital asset that is verifiable on blockchain technology. Assets include artwork, music, or in-game assets such as unique avatars. What is it? — 3 Words
  2. This is a strategy game where players take turns when playing. What is it? — 8 words
  3. This is a task in the games that a player-controlled character, party, or group of characters may complete in order to gain a reward. What is it called? — 7 words

( The picture below shows the number of words in your every answer)


About Dragon War

Dragon War is the Turn-Based Strategy Game based on Blockchain technology. In this game, you can Buy Heroes, Summon Dragon to form a team to battle with an NPC in PVE Function, or with another player in PVP Functions. You can earn token rewards from various activities in-game, and with the Marketplace, users can trade their NFTs with another user to get token benefits.

In the next few days, Dragon War will have various announcements of new partnerships and extensive details on our token sale. So make sure to follow us with link below

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DragonWar Official

Where the world-class of turn-based strategy gameplay meet the best NFT game on the fastest blockchain. More and more: ⏩