The combination of Axie Infinity — Heroes III and Solana creates a kick-ass Dragon War beyond expectations.

DragonWar Official
4 min readDec 16, 2021


This article would reveal the first image of Dragon War. We are so excited to share this with you because this is what we believe will give Dragon War — turn-based strategy NFT Game insane growth potential!

In this TBS NFT Game, there are several elements that make this game challenging and require some level of strategic thinking.




Build/Rebuild Team Formations

Skill Config

Campaign Map


Dragon War is a tactical turn-based challenge in which players assemble an army and put it on the battlefield to challenge their opponents. The challenge is to put together a winning dragon team composition, combining skills and strategy to overcome opponents.

You control a team of Dragons in a battle by a hero. It means, your hero commands Dragons to fight against all enemies. Heroes can give a huge support for Dragons to increase the Ability Index. Those attributes could give a bonus power reward.


Each dragon can be of pure breed or a hybrid of many different types with many different body parts and abilities. There are also magnified Dragons’ superiority, dignity, and strength, as displayed in index stat, included: Health, Attack, Defense, Speed, Critical, Dodge.

Synergies are a critical part of Dragon War battle strategy. If combined to the right type, you would have more benefits from inner power. You’re not obligated to combine for now, but it will be helpful. Depending on the number of Dragons of the same element simultaneously on the battlefield, you’ll have a bigger bonus. Your own elemental dragon will consist of 4 characteristic attributes: Earth — Fire — Thunder — Water. The incompatible mechanics in the game are Fire > Earth > Thunder > Water > Fire. They are similar to the rock-paper-scissor game.

We are in the process of working on a new elemental dragon with a wood theme. But It will be updated in the next patch. Stay tuned and continue to support Dragon War more and more.

Build/Rebuild Team Formations

Positioning in all turn-based strategy games is a tactic that’s essential for the unusual tactics. Ensuring that your Dragons are in the most ideal positions will help you increase their value and consistency for every combat round. It would be adjusted at the prepared battle display.

And also there are crucial guidelines to understand. A good rule of thumb is to aim to have your dragons cast their ultimate abilities at least once a round. It absolutely has the rate of the spell cast. So, their ult would not always happen.

You have damage-dealing dragon carries that are protected by dragon tanks and supported by utility units.

Skill Config

Each dragon you own would have a slot to equip skills to bring into the battle. The equipped skill is just like unique weapons that have different abilities.

Attached to each dragon’s class are different skill sets. There are exactly five classes like Tanker, Supporter, Ranger, Warrior, Mage. There are also general skills to all dragons that can be used.

There would be one to three slots for equipping skills which depend upon Dragons’ rarity. There are 6 rarities: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Mythical.

Campaign Map

Here you can find a list of all of the official PvE maps and Missions on Dragon War. All activities in the campaign map follow as closely as the plot of Dragon War. Each campaign is associated with different chapters in the story. So you will have a deeper understanding of the original background of the Dragon War lore.

There’s even a lot more into the gameplay than what we have just discussed.

Soon to be implemented, things like the Turn-based card battle system, different abilities, The Dragon System, NFT Marketplace. Many of these updates are going live in early 2022.

And that’s all we have for today’s article!

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DragonWar Official

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