The Hidden Egg Podcast

A Thing I’m doing

3 min readApr 2, 2023
Photo by Lina Trochez on Unsplash

This is going to be a relatively short article as I’m kinda making this my home for how to access/share the podcast I’m doing with The Accidental Monster. But, it’s gonna like be a whole article and stuff, so maybe I’ll write some stuff here too… Waddaya think?

Down below I’m going to post the links to the podcast episodes individually so that you can choose which episode you want to listen to. I don’t really know if I’ll keep all episodes on this article or if I’ll update it regularly to just keep the most recent 5–7 episodes. I’m doing this spontaneously, so it’s a work in progress.

I’m not even sure if you have to listen to them here on my page or if you can click them as a link to listen in the Spotify app, or what. Oh, I just ripped these from Spotify because, apparently, you can just fucking search “The Hidden Egg” on Spotify and listen to MEH FRIGGIN’ VOICE right now. Why? Who said this was allowed?!? D:

Just kidding. It’s fine. Just had the realization while working on this article. I might write a little blurb about the totality of the podcast below the list of episodes, if you’re interested. But, without further ado, here are the episodes!!

I lied. Or more accuratly, this is present mortal to fuck up past mortal’s steeze. We’re 13 episodes in now and I don’t want to have a million links on one page anymore. So, I’m just going to link to the podcast page in pandora and spotify. Aaaaaaannd:

How cool that the spotify one just pulls up the most recent episode. I hope once episode 14 comes out, it still shows the “most recent” episode…


The aforementioned “little blurb”

So, part of the reason I’m releasing this article is that I wanted a place to be able to direct the people I meet in various communities to check this out, without having to make people sign up for anything. If the people I know don’t know anything about Medium, a single click will get them to a place where they can check out the podcast!

Also, we’ve done 6 episodes and I haven’t really established any ownership over the podcast and this is my statement that I’m a part of this thing that I kinda like. And it seems to be bringing me some smiles, so maybe I might be slightly kinda proud of it. maybe…

In one of these episodes, I went a little suddenly deep (little too deep, from my perspective) into why I was interested in doing this. I guess this is a pretty good place to state that directly…

I am very … optimistic about a more positive and loving future for humanity. A time and place where people aren’t judged so easily. Where people don’t judge as easily. Same thing? Depends on your perspective.

I do not for a second believe I have the ability to usher in a kinder world for humans. That’s most of the reason I’ve stayed pretty quiet on the internet for so long. Why would my voice matter? There are many voices on the internet. All saying something that means something to them. All wishing that what they said mattered to more people. Many desperately hoping that something they say will launch them into the success they’ve always dreamed of.

Is the collective attention OF humans (which is a necessary resource to achieve this goal) finite in this regard? What I’m really asking is, “If I get a significant portion of the world’s attention, how many others am I stealing it from?”

Well, imposter syndrome musings aside, I finally have taken a step towards saying to the internet at large, “I’m here. Treat me as you will, internet. Let’s see where this goes”

I hope you find smiles this day! ❤




I am a person that will occasionally write stuff and put it on the internet. Thanks for asking! <3