Principle of Mentalism

Dragos Folea
3 min readApr 15, 2019


The ALL is mind, the Universe is Mental.

The Universe that we know is a mental creation, everything is created in the mind. Everything that is around us was first an idea, a concept in someones mind. Later becoming Physical and accessible to all.

The mind of the All is the mind of the universe, the universe was in the mind of the spirit and its exploded in to existence and to material form.

In this mind there are multiple smaller minds experiencing this ALL Mind, creating their own reality. In this way we have two realities emerging.

The Objective reality the Mind of the ALL and the Subjective Reality the The mind of the Personality.

Quantum physics has prove this concept, is we go deep in the what we call reality. Which is mostly matter from our perspective to go to the molecular level, we find atoms linking together, the atoms are made out of protons neutrons and electrons and even deeper we go in the world of subatomic particles. This is a strange worlds where everything that we knew before does not make sense here. The subatomic particles have a particular property, they can be in two states at one time, both particle and both wave. This is called wave-particle duality. After the ‘double slit experiment’ the scientists observed that when a particle in wave form is observed, it collapses in to a particle. So by simple perceiving it, it changes from energy to particle. So matter is created just by observing it. Same with out universe by Observing and reacting to your reality you create it again and again. And the same with the universe, it exists because its being observed by the ALL eternally.

So is the universe is created just by our observation of it so that means that it is malleable to the mind. To our perception. Change the perception, change the Reality.

Is this possible ?

Quantum physics has also discovered that there is a field of energy where everything is created from, the 0 point field. Here there are infinite possibilities and reality ready to be experienced. All possibilities are in wave form in energy form, when one possibility or reality is being observed by the mind it starts collapsing in to Physical reality. When you focus on one possibility for long enough it becomes real.

Let’s take a simple situation Like Rain. The objective situation is that water is dropping form the sky. Some will perceive it as Bad weather, some will perceive it as Good weather

What we perceive is what we create, what we perceive is what we experience.

everything in the Universe ‘Matter’ ‘Energy’ or ‘Thought’ is under the command on the mind. The mind off the ALL or of our mind.

So by being aware of you mind and perceptions you can start to change this perceptions. By transmuting the thoughts from one polarity to its opposite.

A simple change in perceptions starts a cascade of waves collapsing in to particles thus reacting a new reality.

Become aware of your mind, Journal, talk out loud. Understand what the mind is blabbering and you will understand you current reality.

To your freedom




Dragos Folea

Meditation Teacher, Life Coach, Helping you discover your power.