Puerto Rico — Day 7

Dennis Ramdass
3 min readAug 18, 2022


We had no real plans on our final day in Puerto Rico other than making our 4pm flight out of San Juan. Having mostly packed the night before, we felt comfortable sleeping in and slowly making our way out of the Airbnb. Breakfast was some meaty pastries at Panaderia Siglo XXI in downtown Ponce. We were the only people in the bakery but there was a quite happening drive-through service we didn’t know about!

We had an hour long drive from downtown Ponce to San Juan and I had downloaded the latest episode of the podcast The Guilty Feminist — one of our roadtrip favorites. This episode featured Kemah Bob — funny aside when Preeti told me she loved Kemah Bob I thought she was talking about food — a keema (lamb) bob is plausible when you consider that a chicken frankie is a Bombay delicacy. We were roaring with laughter frequently during Kemah Bob’s set and she had some quite memorable adult anecdotes.

We got to San Juan a little after noon — right in time for lunch at Vera Té & Café. This was a place I found after exhausting Googling for places in San Juan that served both oatmeal and black tea — poor Preeti didn’t have any chai on the trip and black tea was surprisingly hard to find.

This place turned out to be quite a find — excellent tea and coffee, quality food with healthy options, friendly (and trendily-dressed) wait staff and even an in-store boutique clothing store. After lunch, I tried on a couple shirts and bought the one in the background of this photo.

We made our way to the airport, returned the rental car and then said brief goodbyes to each other. We were about to enter security lines and I left Little Miss No-TSA-Pre(eti) to fend for herself. I browsed Duty Free when she eventually caught up to me and we did some window shopping before heading to our gate.

The United upgrade gods did not smile on us on our San Juan-Houston leg but did come through on our Houston -SFO leg where we got to enjoy more legroom as well as dinner and drinks to end our vacation.

P.S. Thus ends my Puerto Rico chronicles. I wrote these entries after-the-fact as we way to memorialize what was a truly wonderful trip. Thanks to everyone who made it this far! Hopefully, there will be many more trips in my future and I’m hoping to keep memorializing them with my writing

