When to Visit an Infertility Specialist and How to Choose One?

Dr Anita Sharma
3 min readJun 14, 2017


Infertility is a condition marked by inability of a person to conceive or achieve pregnancy naturally. For a woman below the age of 35, they are warranted infertile after trying to conceive for 12 months unsuccessfully. And for a woman above the age of 35, the time reduces to 6 months. Infertility is usually caused due to some biological defect and can be often treated medically.

When to visit an infertility specialist

· Female over the age of 35 and unable to conceive for 6 months

· Female below the age of 35 and unable to conceive for 12 months

· Blockage in the fallopian tubes at any age (one or both the tubes blocked)

· Moderate to severe endometriosis

· Poor semen quality or low sperm count. Sperm motility being lower than 40 percent

· Problems in ovulation like polycystic ovarian syndrome.

· Ovarian reserve tests being abnormal such as day 3 FSH level being elevated

How to Choose an Infertility Specialist in NOIDA for Testing and Treatment

If a person has doubts about being infertile or is considering an infertility treatment, it is best that one first consults a gynaecologist or an Infertility Specialist in NOIDA. You can ask your general physician or friends and family members to refer to you some good infertility specialist that they know of.

Best Gynecologist in Noida

· Success rates. The success rate of the infertility clinic is a great factor that must be considered. Keep in mind that the success rates are prepared by using the data collected over years. Therefore, it might not be representative of the current performance of the clinic. For example, the doctors, and staff might have been changed since. Also, success rates greatly depends on the type of cases the clinic takes in. Certain clinics turn down difficult cases in order to show better success rates. Many clinics specialise in the treatment of certain specific types of infertility, and the success rates reflects the same. It is better to ask the specialisation beforehand.

· Financial aspect. Everyone would want to know about the cost involved with the treatment beforehand. While inquiring about the cost of infertility treatment, one will discover that the cost depends on the individual circumstances. The cost of treatment is unregulated and varies from clinic to clinic. The right thing to ask is what would be included in the package, like consulting fee, diagnostic fee, testing and screening fees, facility costs, etc. Although cost can be an important factor, it shouldn’t be the only factor while choosing an infertility specialist.

Infertility Specialist in Noida

One must also find out ahead of time, if their health insurance policy covers the cost of infertility treatment such as IVF. And even though the health insurance might not cover the expense of the treatment, it just might cover the fertility diagnostic charges.

As it is clear, one must weigh between a varieties of factors and make very important decisions while choosing an infertility specialist that would be right for them. Not only is infertility treatment expensive and time-consuming, it stressful as well, both mentally and physically.



Dr Anita Sharma

Dr. Anita K Sharma is an internationally trained Gynaecologist and Obstetrician in Noida.