How to Master Local SEO to Gain Customers Globally

drben tolo
3 min readDec 17, 2021


Whenever you decide to create out a different language version of your website without thinking about local SEO, you are potentially opening yourself to a huge loss. Failing to take care of the local keywords, backlinks, and social media can cost you energy, visitors, and money. The website localization agency has the expertise to understand your target market better and, therefore, can realize your goals to capture the international market.

Get the message right

Whenever you enter a new market, you must get your message right in every market. It has been demonstrated that most non-native speakers rarelyy or ever buy from English-only websites. If you search Google, you can find enough stats, facts, and data on why you should focus on localization, but there is not so much information about what you should do when foreign visitors visit your website. The website localization agency can make your content available in different languages and help you to generate target leads.

Encourage trust

Most website owners usually mislead website visitors with the title or metadata. If you have ever tried to lure a foreign visitor to your website with the promise of an exceptional user experience and then failed to deliver, then it will only cause you loss of trust. Placing many ads in the target language isn’t enough to generate publicity.

Another worthy mistake that you can make is only partially localizing your website. For instance, if a user visits your website and reads your home page in the native language and then clicks for more information, they may find that they have landed in a foreign land. Therefore, you must localize your entire website in the desired language.

Enhance user experience

When you’re localizing any website, you should pay attention to all the details in each country you are localizing for. It would be best if you mastered the local SEO by mastering the user experience. The website localization agency shows that the currency is displayed in the right unit. They also ensure that the target language shares the time and date formats, weights, and other measurements.

Your local SERP ranking can go down if people come to your website but do not hang around. Therefore, you must provide an optimal user experience on your localized SEO. When a visitor visits your website, they should want to share it, bookmark it, or return to it, which will help improve your local SEO.

On-page optimization

Keywords are crucial to on-page optimization for localized SEO. However, the same keywords which work for your home country may not necessarily work for other markets.

The website localization agency knows the right keywords to attract the right audience. These agencies know the keywords your competitors are bidding on. They can provide you with the right keywords but with the help of translators and experts so that your website gets noticed enough.

Localized landing pages

Even if you don’t have the budget to get every single page localized, you should go for localized landing pages. When creating a website, ensure that a visitor clicking for more information should not land on a page that provides him information in a different language.

This might result in some user frustration and probably him or her leaving the website and never coming back. You can at least localize your quote, services, and product-related pages to boost your localized SEO.

