Enhancing Implementation Strategies: Engaging Media Specialists for the Prevention of Violence against Healthcare Workers

Dr. Muhammad Bilal Siddiqui
4 min readJun 22, 2023


In the realm of healthcare, the safety and well-being of healthcare workers are of utmost importance. Recognizing this, the implementation of the Act for the Prevention of Violence against Healthcare Workers has gained significant momentum. To ensure the successful dissemination of key features and salient points of this law, engagement sessions with media specialists have been conducted. This blog explores the importance of media engagement and highlights the updates on implementation strategies to protect our dedicated healthcare professionals.

Why Media Engagement Matters: Media plays a crucial role in shaping public opinion and disseminating information effectively. By engaging media specialists, we can harness the power of mass communication to raise awareness about the Act and its significance. Through this collaboration, we aim to educate the public, foster understanding, and foster a supportive environment for healthcare workers.

Highlights of the Engagement Sessions: The engagement sessions with media specialists were designed to enhance understanding and collaboration in spreading awareness about the Act. Here are some key highlights:

1. Disseminating Key Salient Features: Media specialists were provided with comprehensive information about the Act, including its scope, objectives, and penalties for violations. They were equipped with accurate and up-to-date data to effectively communicate the importance of the Act to the general public.

2. Collaborative Content Development: During the sessions, media specialists actively contributed their expertise in developing engaging and informative content. They brainstormed ideas, created compelling narratives, and identified suitable platforms to reach the target audience effectively.

3. Tailoring Messages for Different Platforms: Recognizing the diverse media landscape, the engagement sessions emphasized the need for tailored messaging across various platforms. Media specialists explored innovative ways to disseminate information, including social media campaigns, news articles, radio broadcasts, and television interviews.

4. Enhancing Public Understanding: A key objective of the engagement sessions was to address misconceptions and promote accurate understanding of the Act. Media specialists were encouraged to facilitate discussions, clarify doubts, and provide credible information to promote public support for healthcare workers.

5. Moving Forward: The engagement sessions with media specialists have paved the way for an effective dissemination campaign. By aligning media messaging with the objectives of the Act, we can ensure that accurate information reaches the public, garnering their support for the safety and well-being of healthcare workers.


Conclusion: Engaging media specialists in the implementation of the Act for the Prevention of Violence against Healthcare Workers is a significant step towards raising awareness and fostering a supportive environment. By collaborating with media professionals, we can leverage their expertise to effectively communicate the key features of the law to the public. Together, let us stand united in protecting our healthcare heroes and ensuring a safe working environment for all.

Remember, the dissemination of accurate information is essential in shaping public opinion and driving positive change. Stay informed, support our healthcare workers, and spread the word!

Note: This blog is written by Dr Muhammad Bilal Siddiqui, Co-Lead, Implementor, Health Care in Danger (HCiD) Project of Dissemination and Promotion of The Sindh Health Care Service Providers & Facilities (Prevention of Damage to Property) Act 2021.

Core team

Madam Shehnaz Wazirali, the President of SZABIST (Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology), has been actively involved in the dissemination of the Sindh Health Service Providers and Facilities (Prevention of Violence and Damage to Property) Act, 2021 and the Motor Vehicle Act 2018 amendment with the provision of “Right of Way to Ambulance Service.” Her leadership and support have played a pivotal role in promoting the effective implementation and awareness of these Acts.

Dr. Muhammad Bilal Siddiqui

Dr. Muhammad Bilal Siddiqui is a Health System Strengthening Strategists and the lead implementation specialists responsible for the dissemination of the Sindh Health Service Providers and Facilities (Prevention of Violence and Damage to Property) Act, 2021 and the Motor Vehicle Act 2018 amendment with the provision “Right of Way to Ambulance Service.” He is affiliated with the SZABIST (Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology) University’s Department of Public Health. Dr. Siddiqui has been instrumental in the collaborative efforts to raise awareness and assure the effective implementation of these Acts. He is the author of this blog. His LinkedIn profile is https://www.linkedin.com/in/mbsl

Barrister Rufruf Chaudhary

Barrister Rufruf Chaudhary, a renowned law expert from SZABIST’s Law Department, is also a lead consultant in the process of dissemination from the Law end. Understanding the legal complexities of the Acts and facilitating their effective communication with relevant stakeholders has been greatly facilitated by her knowledge and counsel.

Syeda Mehwish Zara Zaidi

Syeda Mehwish Zara Zaidi, the Head of Media Sciences at SZABIST, has been a crucial member of the dissemination team as a Lead Media Specialist. She has contributed to the development of effective materials and strategies for raising awareness of the Acts through her knowledge of media and communications.

Dr. Siddiqui, Ms. Chaudhary, and Ms. Zaidi, are collaborating closely with other stakeholders and team members to ensure the successful dissemination of these Acts, fostering understanding and compliance among relevant parties.



Dr. Muhammad Bilal Siddiqui

A Public Health Academician and Health System Strengthening Strategist