Ethical Integrity in Hiring: Beyond Promises and Contracts

Dr. Muhammad Bilal Siddiqui
3 min readAug 31, 2023



In the realm of professional relationships, ethics should serve as a compass guiding fair and just conduct. Unfortunately, the business world sometimes experiences deviations from these principles. One such area where ethical boundaries are tested is in the realm of hiring practices and the imposition of deliverables beyond contractual obligations. This blog delves into the implications of such practices, shedding light on the risks they pose to both individuals and the broader professional landscape.

The Mirage of Unethical Hiring:

1. Misleading Promises: In the competitive job market, candidates are often lured by the promise of alluring perks and growth opportunities. Unethical employers, however, may exaggerate these aspects to attract talent, only for the reality to fall far short of expectations.

2. False Sense of Security: When companies fail to uphold the promises made during the hiring process, it creates a false sense of security among new employees. This can lead to disillusionment, decreased morale, and an erosion of trust in the organization.

3. Deceptive Job Descriptions: Unethical hiring practices can extend to deceptive job descriptions that paint an incomplete or overly positive picture of the role. Candidates who accept based on these descriptions may find themselves in a role that doesn’t align with their skills or aspirations.

Unmasking the Demands Beyond the Contract:

1. Scope Creep: Sometimes, employers seek deliverables that fall outside the scope of the original agreement. This “scope creep” can place undue stress on employees and disrupt their work-life balance.

2. Unreasonable Workload: Imposing extra tasks or responsibilities without proper compensation can lead to an untenable workload. This not only affects the quality of work but also the well-being of employees.

3. Erosion of Trust: When employees feel pressured to meet uncontracted demands, trust in their employers can wane. This lack of trust can corrode the employer-employee relationship and foster a toxic work environment.

The Broader Implications:

1. Cultural Impact: Unethical hiring and extra-contractual demands can contribute to a culture of mistrust, where employees view management as self-serving and unaccountable.

2. Employee Well-being: Pressuring employees to fulfill obligations beyond their contracts can lead to stress, burnout, and mental health issues, undermining their overall well-being.

3. Professional Reputation: Companies that engage in unethical practices risk tarnishing their professional reputation, deterring top talent from joining and potentially losing customers who value ethical business practices.

A Call for Ethical Transformation:

1. Transparency: Employers should ensure that hiring processes and job descriptions accurately reflect the realities of the role and the organization. Transparency is key to building trust.

2. Respect for Contracts: Contracts should be honored and not subject to arbitrary alterations. Open discussions about changes should be conducted with the consent of both parties.

3. Balanced Workloads: Employers must recognize the importance of work-life balance and avoid overburdening employees with tasks outside their contractual obligations.


Unethical hiring practices and the imposition of deliverables beyond contractual obligations erode the foundation of professional integrity. By prioritizing transparency, respect for contracts, and employee well-being, organizations can foster a culture of trust and respect. As job seekers and professionals, it’s essential to advocate for ethical practices and be vigilant in identifying signs of unethical behavior. By collectively holding businesses accountable, we can work towards a professional landscape that upholds the principles of fairness, respect, and ethical conduct.

Dr Muhammad Bilal Siddiqui

This blog has been written by Dr. Muhammad Bilal Siddiqui, who is a Public Health academician and Health System Strengthening Strategists.

His LinkedIn profile is




Dr. Muhammad Bilal Siddiqui

A Public Health Academician and Health System Strengthening Strategist