Field Epidemiology: Empowering Public Health Students in Pakistan to Combat Infectious Diseases

Dr. Muhammad Bilal Siddiqui
4 min readJul 2, 2023


In recent times, there has been a notable observation of the profound consequences of infectious diseases on the well-being of the general population. Pakistan, akin to numerous other nations, encounters a multitude of challenges in effectively managing and controlling these diseases. In the present context, the discipline of epidemiology, particularly field epidemiology, assumes significant importance as it provides public health students with essential skills and knowledge to address the intricate landscape of infectious diseases in Pakistan. The purpose of this blog is to provide insight into the significance of field epidemiology for students studying public health in Pakistan, as well as its extent and relevance in the contemporary landscape of infectious diseases.

Understanding Field Epidemiology:

Field epidemiology is a specialized area within the field of epidemiology that centers on the utilization of epidemiological principles and methodologies in practical contexts to examine and manage the incidence and transmission of diseases among populations. The process encompasses the undertaking of surveillance activities, the identification of outbreaks, and the implementation of measures aimed at preventing and managing the transmission of diseases within various communities, workplaces, and specific populations. Field epidemiologists play a crucial role in the identification of disease outbreaks, comprehension of their etiology, and development of evidence-based approaches for the prevention and management of diseases.

Scope and Applicability in Public Health in Pakistan:

1. Disease Surveillance and Outbreak Investigations:
Field epidemiologists play a crucial role in the establishment and maintenance of disease surveillance systems in Pakistan. Through the surveillance of disease occurrence, the detection of patterns, and the identification of outbreaks, these entities offer vital information to facilitate prompt response and intervention. Field epidemiology training provides public health students with the necessary skills to effectively conduct outbreak investigations, accurately identify the source and mode of transmission, and efficiently implement control measures. The acquisition of this knowledge is imperative in order to effectively tackle the escalating prevalence of infectious diseases in Pakistan, including but not limited to dengue fever, hepatitis, tuberculosis, and vaccine-preventable illnesses.

2. Risk Assessment and Management:
Field epidemiology provides an opportunity for students in the field of public health to evaluate the potential hazards linked to infectious diseases within the context of Pakistan. Students acquire the skills necessary to assess the potential impact on populations by analyzing data pertaining to the prevalence, incidence, and distribution of diseases. Through a comprehensive understanding of the various risk factors and determinants, individuals and organizations are able to effectively prioritize interventions, direct their efforts towards high-risk populations, and formulate evidence-based policies and guidelines for the management of diseases.

3. Field Research and Data Analysis:
Students specializing in public health who receive training in field epidemiology develop expertise in the design and execution of research studies aimed at generating empirical evidence pertaining to disease patterns, risk factors, and the effectiveness of interventions. Individuals develop proficiencies in the collection, organization, and examination of data, thereby equipping themselves with the ability to analyze results and provide insights for the formulation of public health policies and implementation of practices. Field research plays a pivotal role in the identification of knowledge gaps, assessment of intervention effectiveness, and formulation of context-specific strategies for the control of infectious diseases in Pakistan.

4. Public Health Emergency Response:
Given the escalating occurrence and scale of public health crises in Pakistan, the presence of field epidemiologists is of utmost importance in ensuring prompt and efficient response. Public health students who receive training in the field of epidemiology acquire valuable skills in effectively coordinating response efforts, collaborating with multidisciplinary teams, and offering expert guidance in emergency situations. Surveillance, contact tracing, risk communication, and resource mobilization are integral components that contribute significantly to the coordination and effectiveness of responses to infectious disease outbreaks and emergencies.

5. Capacity Building and Training:
The implementation of Field Epidemiology Training Programs (FETPs) in Pakistan plays a significant role in enhancing the capabilities of public health practitioners. These programs provide a well-organized curriculum and practical opportunities, allowing students in the field of public health to cultivate essential skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and leadership. The implementation of Field Epidemiology Training Programs (FETPs) in Pakistan serves to enhance the capacity and expertise of field epidemiologists, thereby fortifying the public health workforce. This, in turn, guarantees a resilient and proficient approach towards addressing infectious diseases within the country.

The discipline of field epidemiology has become increasingly important within the realm of public health, specifically in relation to the study of infectious diseases in Pakistan. Public health students who receive training in field epidemiology possess the essential tools and knowledge required to comprehend the dynamics of diseases, carry out surveillance activities, investigate outbreaks, and formulate interventions based on evidence. The implementation of field epidemiology approaches in Pakistan has the potential to enhance the country’s public health infrastructure, bolster disease surveillance efforts, and effectively address the various challenges presented by infectious diseases. It is crucial for students pursuing public health studies in Pakistan to acknowledge the importance of field epidemiology and actively participate in acquiring the necessary skills to safeguard and enhance the health of the population amidst the ever-changing landscape of infectious disease threats.

This blog has been written by Dr. Muhammad Bilal Siddiqui, who is a Public Health academician and Health System Strengthening Strategists.

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Dr. Muhammad Bilal Siddiqui

A Public Health Academician and Health System Strengthening Strategist