Making Better Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Support Academic Teaching in Public Health Institutions in Pakistan

Dr. Muhammad Bilal Siddiqui
4 min readJun 30, 2023


Multidisciplinary Approach of Artificial Intelligence in Public Health Teaching methods

Pakistan’s educational and healthcare systems are significantly shaped by academic teaching and Public Health institutions. They do, however, encounter a number of difficulties and shortfalls that limit their influence and usefulness. To solve these issues and improve the standard of academic instruction and public health institutions in Pakistan, artificial intelligence (AI) presents a possible option. In this blog, we’ll look at how artificial intelligence (AI) may be used to address these issues and change academic education and public health institutions for the better.

Personalized Learning

The one-size-fits-all philosophy of education is one of the flaws in academic instruction. Personalised learning experiences offered by AI-powered learning systems can help with this. AI algorithms may modify the curriculum, speed, and material delivery to suit different learners’ requirements by examining student data. This individualised method encourages more engagement, enhances learning results, and guarantees that students get instruction catered to their individual learning needs.

Intelligent Tutoring and Support

Intelligent tutoring systems that are driven by AI can help students and teachers in real time by taking on the role of virtual mentors. These tools may provide students individualised comments, respond to inquiries, and walk them through challenging ideas. Aside from students, educators may gain from AI-powered solutions that support curriculum development, student performance evaluation, and the identification of growth areas. Systems for intelligent tutoring and assistance stimulate academic advancement and professional development by enhancing the entire teaching and learning experience.

Data Analytics and Insights

Finding patterns, trends, and insights can benefit from AI’s capacity for large-scale data analysis. AI can mine useful information from epidemiological data, health records, and research findings in the setting of public health organisations. Public health organisations can benefit from using this data-driven approach to detect disease patterns, forecast outbreaks, and create interventions and policies that are supported by research. AI-powered analytics facilitate data-driven decision-making, resulting in public health procedures that are more productive and successful.

Predictive Analytics and Early Warning Systems

To identify possible dangers and forecast future results, AI systems may make use of historical data and predictive analytics. This may be applied to public health to create early warning systems for disease outbreaks or pinpoint communities who are particularly vulnerable to certain illnesses. AI-powered early warning systems help public health organisations to take preventive steps, allocate resources effectively, and stop the spread of illnesses by delivering timely warnings and insights.

Workflow Optimization and Automation

By automating typical administrative chores, artificial intelligence (AI) enables public health organisations to concentrate on more important responsibilities. AI-powered platforms can effectively handle tasks like data input, report production, and scheduling, freeing up time and resources for public health experts to focus on research, analysis, and decision-making. Within public health institutions, workflow optimisation and automation increase effectiveness, decrease mistakes, and boost productivity.

Natural Language Processing for Text Analysis

Research papers, reports, and medical records are just a few of the textual data that public health organisations produce. Artificial intelligence’s (AI) natural language processing (NLP) skills can help analyse and glean important information from these writings. Researcher and practitioner knowledge may be kept current by using NLP algorithms to streamline information extraction, sentiment analysis, and literature reviews. This encourages innovation within public health organisations and supports the use of evidence-based decision-making.

Benefits of AI in Academic Teaching and Public Health Institutions in Pakistan

The following are some examples of data-driven decision-making:

a. Personalised learning experiences for students;

b. Intelligent tutoring and support for educators and students;

c. Predictive analytics for disease surveillance and outbreak prediction;

d. Workflow optimisation and automation for increased efficiency;

e. Knowledge extraction from text analysis for evidence-based practises

Challenges and Considerations

AI implementation in academic teaching and public health institutions in Pakistan is fraught with difficulties and considerations:

  1. Infrastructure and Resources

Adequate infrastructure, particularly stable internet access and computer capacity, is essential for efficiently using AI.

2. Skills and Training:

Building technological skills among educators and public health experts is required to fully utilise AI technologies and platforms. Training programmes and seminars can assist in closing the skills gap.

3. Ethical and Privacy Concerns:

AI apps must follow ethical norms to ensure data privacy and security. Policies and laws must be put in place to address these issues and defend the rights of individuals.

3. Equity and Accessibility:

To avoid increasing marginalisation of impoverished populations, equal access to AI technology and resources is critical.

4. Collaboration and Partnerships:

Collaboration between academic institutions, public health organisations, and AI professionals is critical for driving innovation, sharing best practises, and effectively leveraging resources.


Artificial intelligence has the ability to transform academic instruction and public health institutions in Pakistan. Academic education may be made more engaging, efficient, and suited to individual requirements by exploiting AI’s strengths in personalised learning, intelligent tutoring, data analytics, predictive analytics, workflow optimisation, and text analysis. AI’s capacity to analyse data, anticipate disease outbreaks, optimise operations, and extract knowledge from textual material might help public health organisations. Addressing infrastructure, skills, ethics, and equality issues will be critical in realising AI’s full potential. Embracing AI in academic education and public health institutions may have a revolutionary influence, encouraging innovation, improving healthcare outcomes, and leading to a healthier Pakistan.

Dr Muhammad Bilal Siddiqui

This blog has been written by Dr. Muhammad Bilal Siddiqui, who is a Public Health academician and Health System Strengthening Strategists

His LinkedIn profile is




Dr. Muhammad Bilal Siddiqui

A Public Health Academician and Health System Strengthening Strategist