Mastering the Art of Writing a Winning Concept Note for Health Sciences Research Grants

Dr. Muhammad Bilal Siddiqui
4 min readSep 6, 2023


Securing funding for research in health sciences is crucial for advancing knowledge and improving healthcare practices. A well-crafted concept note can be your gateway to unlocking the resources you need. This guide delves deeper into the concept note, equipping you with the knowledge to craft a compelling document that captures the attention of funding agencies.

What is a Concept Note in Health Sciences Research?

A concept note is a concise yet informative document that introduces your research idea to potential funders. It acts as a preliminary proposal, piquing their interest and prompting them to request a full proposal. Think of it as an elevator pitch for your research — clear, impactful, and leaving them wanting more.

Structure of a Winning Concept Note for Health Sciences Research:

Title: Craft a clear, concise, and keyword-rich title that accurately reflects your research focus.


  • Set the stage by highlighting a critical public health issue or unmet need in your chosen area (e.g., antimicrobial resistance, access to mental healthcare services).
  • Briefly explain the specific problem or knowledge gap your research aims to address.
  • Emphasize the significance of your research for improving health outcomes or informing health policy decisions.

Objective and Research Questions:

  • Clearly state the primary objective of your research project, ensuring it aligns with the funding agency’s priorities (e.g., developing a new diagnostic tool, evaluating the effectiveness of a healthcare intervention).
  • Formulate specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) research questions that guide your investigation.


  • Outline the research methods you plan to employ (e.g., randomized controlled trial, cohort study, systematic review).
  • Justify your chosen methodology by explaining its suitability for addressing your research questions.
  • Briefly describe your data collection plan, sample size justification, and proposed data analysis techniques.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Describe the anticipated outcomes and deliverables of your research project.
  • Explain how your findings will contribute to the existing body of knowledge or lead to tangible improvements in healthcare practices.


  • Provide a preliminary budget outlining the estimated costs of your research.
  • Categorize expenses (e.g., personnel, equipment, data collection, travel, dissemination).
  • Briefly justify each budget item, demonstrating its necessity for project completion.


  • Create a realistic timeline outlining key milestones and deadlines for your research project.
  • Ensure the timeline aligns with the funding agency’s grant cycle and demonstrates the feasibility of completing the research within the proposed timeframe.

Partnerships and Collaborations (if applicable):

  • Highlight any existing or potential collaborations with other institutions, researchers, or community organizations.
  • Explain how these collaborations will strengthen your research by providing access to expertise, resources, or participant populations.


  • Include a concise list of relevant references to support the background and rationale for your research.

Key Details to Impress Health Sciences Funding Agencies:

  1. Demonstrate Alignment with Funding Priorities: Carefully research the funding agency’s mission, research interests, and thematic areas. Tailor your concept note to showcase how your project aligns with their specific priorities.
  2. Highlight Public Health Significance: Emphasize the potential public health impact of your research. Explain how your findings can translate into improved health outcomes, reduced healthcare disparities, or more efficient healthcare delivery systems.
  3. Address Ethical Considerations: Briefly mention how you will address ethical considerations in your research, such as informed consent, data privacy, and participant safety.
  4. Dissemination Strategy: Outline your plan for disseminating your research findings. Mention potential publications, presentations at conferences, or community engagement activities to ensure maximum reach and impact.
  5. Pilot Data (if available): Include preliminary data from pilot studies or feasibility studies, if available. This strengthens your concept note by demonstrating your research experience and the feasibility of your proposed methodology.

Additional Tips for Grant Writers in Health Sciences:

  • Clarity and Conciseness: Write in a clear, concise, and jargon-free style that is easily understood by a broad audience of reviewers.
  • Engagement: Use an engaging writing style that captures the reader’s attention and keeps them interested.
  • Visuals (optional): Consider incorporating relevant visuals (e.g., diagrams, flowcharts) to enhance clarity and impact, following the funding agency’s guidelines.
  • Proofread and Edit: Thoroughly proofread and edit your concept note for grammar, spelling, and clarity before submission.

Leveraging Your Network and Institutional Support

  • Seek Guidance: Collaborate with your institution’s research office or grant writing center. These resources can provide invaluable guidance on tailoring your concept note to specific funding agencies, adhering to formatting requirements, and offering feedback on your proposal.
  • Internal Review: Request an internal review of your concept note by colleagues or faculty members with expertise in your research area. Their feedback can help you strengthen your argument, refine your methodology, and identify potential weaknesses before submitting it to a funding agency.

Beyond the Initial Submission

  • Prepare for Feedback: Be prepared to receive feedback from the funding agency, even if your concept note is not initially successful. Analyze the feedback carefully, identify areas for improvement, and consider resubmitting your proposal in the next grant cycle.
  • Persistence is Key: Securing research funding can be a competitive process. Don’t get discouraged by initial rejections. Use the feedback to strengthen your concept note and research plan, and demonstrate persistence in your pursuit of funding.


A well-crafted concept note is the first step towards securing funding for your groundbreaking research in health sciences. By understanding the essential structure, incorporating key details, and leveraging available resources, you can significantly increase your chances of success. Remember, a compelling concept note not only secures funding but also lays the foundation for a well-developed and impactful research project that ultimately contributes to improving public health outcomes.

Dr Muhammad Bilal Siddiqui

This blog has been written by Dr. Muhammad Bilal Siddiqui, who is a Public Health academician and Health System Strengthening Strategists.

His LinkedIn profile is




Dr. Muhammad Bilal Siddiqui

A Public Health Academician and Health System Strengthening Strategist