The ABCs of Nutrition and Malnutrition: A Guide for Aspiring Doctors

Dr. Muhammad Bilal Siddiqui
3 min readAug 31, 2023


Introduction: Nourishing Health with Knowledge

Understanding nutrition and malnutrition might sound like a big deal, but trust us, it’s like having a superpower that helps you become a better doctor. We’re here to break it down for you in simple words, so you can see how important it is for your journey in the medical world.

Nutrition: The Building Blocks of Health

1. What’s Nutrition All About?
— It’s like giving your body the right kinds of foods to keep it healthy and strong.
— Think of it as giving your car good fuel so it runs smoothly.

2. The Power of Nutrients
— Nutrients are like tiny helpers that keep our body working well.
— They come in two types: big helpers (macronutrients) and small helpers (micronutrients).

Malnutrition: More Than Just Hunger

1. What’s Malnutrition?
— It’s when our body doesn’t get the right nutrients it needs.
— Imagine trying to build a puzzle with missing pieces — it doesn’t work well.

2. Undernutrition and Overnutrition
— Undernutrition is like not having enough food pieces for the puzzle.
— Overnutrition is like having too many pieces that don’t fit right.

3. Sneaky Micronutrient Troubles
— Micronutrients are like vitamins and minerals — our body needs them even in tiny amounts.
— Not having enough can make us sick in different ways.

Helping Bodies Heal and Stay Healthy

1. Fixing Problems with Food
— Food isn’t just for eating — it can help our bodies heal!
— Doctors use food like medicine to make us feel better.

2. Preventing is Better Than Curing
— If we know what foods are good for us, we can stay healthy and avoid getting sick.
— It’s like wearing a raincoat when it’s cloudy to not get wet!

Empowering People with Knowledge

1. Doctors as Teachers
— Doctors like you can teach people how to eat better.
— When they know what’s good for them, they can make smart choices.

2. Making People Happy and Healthy
— By telling people about good food, you help them be happy and strong.
— It’s like being a superhero for their health!

Facing Big Challenges

1. Fighting Diseases with Food
— Some diseases are caused by not eating well.
— You can help people fight these diseases with yummy and healthy food.

2. The Power of a Full Toolbox
— Imagine having lots of tools to help people. Understanding nutrition is one of those tools.
— With this tool, you can help them live their best lives!

Conclusion: Food for Thought

Understanding nutrition and malnutrition is like having a secret weapon — it helps you be an even better doctor! By learning how food helps our bodies, you can heal people and keep them strong. So, keep learning and remember, food is more than just tasty — it’s the key to a healthy life!

Dr Muhammad Bilal Siddiqui

This blog has been written by Dr. Muhammad Bilal Siddiqui, who is a Public Health academician and Health System Strengthening Strategists.

His LinkedIn profile is




Dr. Muhammad Bilal Siddiqui

A Public Health Academician and Health System Strengthening Strategist