The 3 Best Stretches For Reducing Lower Back Pain

Dr. Brady Salcido
5 min readApr 18, 2020

Have you ever told someone that your lower back is hurting?

Did you come to regret that decision about 20 minutes later, after the person you told is still continuing to ramble on and on about how they had the exact same thing, and they have the cure? It’s always… “you have to do this exercise, or you need to start dead lifting, or you have to stop eating pizza.”

Whatever worked for them, it must be the answer for you. Well, let’s start with something a bit more simple.

Let’s take a look at the 3 primary muscles involved in lower back pain and the best ways to simply, but effectively get them loosened up.

The Notorious 3

It’s true that your lower back and pelvic region has more than its fair share of muscle attachments and dense ligaments that can easily become inflamed. With this in mind, I’m not suggesting that the three muscles we are about to discuss are absolutely the reason for your lower back discomfort. However, they are quite often the reason or at least a contributing factor.

1. Erector Muscles

Along the sides of your spine there are dense bands of muscle fibers that run almost the full length of the spine. Different fibers attach to…



Dr. Brady Salcido

Doctor, Entrepreneur, Co-Founder of Health | Fitness | BrainPower | Productivity