The Hypocrisy of Elon Musk

Dr. Brian Chesky
2 min readFeb 18, 2017


Elon Musk has been my idol for a long time. I have read all his published and amazing ideas such as the Hyperloop, the boring machine etc. My support and enthusiasm for Elon as one of the best entrepreneurs you can find in the Valley has been diminished over the last few weeks.

What if he is playing us all?

Recently Elon tweeted that president Trump was right about his agenda on the immigration ban. Even though he later clarified, he disagreed with Trump in another tweet, that made me question the integrity of the man I considered as an idol for a long time. Does he have morals, or if his goals are only to make his startups successful no matter what?
As a matter of Fact, Elon is one of the few Silicon Valley entrepreneurs who still engages with Trump. I suppose his goal is to be trying to influence Trump agenda for good, however, I am questioning how much of it is actually to promote his own businesses and lucrative deals with the government.
The truth is Elon is a ruthless manager. He bullies employees and asks for more. Based on my conversation with senior engineers and managers who worked directly with him, most called him “a jerk and a — hole”. He creates fake deadlines to push employees and demands more. While we all like the products makes and his vision for the future, I question his hypocrisy in dealing with government and treating his employees and the culture he created in his companies.

Tesla Company Finances is a Mess

While Tesla delivers the most fantastic electric car, the finance of the public company seems to be a real mess. He actually loses money ($4K per car) on all electric cars (~76000 units per year) he currently makes.

He also uses government loans (aka your tax dollars) by using his company stock value as an asset to finance his ambitious plans.

He also does not pay any taxes himself just like all the other billionaires because he puts his money in Tax heavens and so-called non-profit organizations.


Tesla is running on the delusions of an ambitious founder, Elon Musk. Elon is a hypocrite on a mission to success no matter what it takes. He does not want to save humanity but mainly cares about his very own success and ambitions no matter at what price and how many people will suffer as a result. Therefore he fits the very definition of a hypocrite.

