How to select the right chiropractor after car accident?

Brian Petrie
3 min readJun 6, 2018


An accident can leave you with several damages, visible and invisible. Often some damages are prominent to the eye and you rush to the doctor to get yourself checked. However, in case of minor injuries, you skip that. As a result neck pain, back pain, whiplash, headaches, dizziness etc become common after effects. There is exhaustion in your body while waking up the next morning and you have the least idea why that happened.

Well, seeing the right chiropractor can give you entirely different experience. Whether your accident was big or small, you always make sure your car is okay. So why delay getting yourself checked?

What is the first thing to do?

Doctors or healthcare providers are the choices before you. However, it all depends on which type of care do you choose in order to get healed. In 2008, a study was held where only 5 percent of people sought chiropractics were disabled compared to 21 percent of occupational medicine and 12 percent of primary care. Another study that was held showed results of 42.7 percent of the people first visited a surgeon and had a surgery while a minimal percentage of only 1.5 percent first showed a Brockton Chiropractor and then was referred to a surgeon.

The aim is to get cured as soon as possible and come back to normal life. It is of utmost importance to get help at the quickest. For the scar tissue to get formed and slow down the recovery, it takes a period of only eight days. Health guidelines say that a patient should not only seek help from an Auto Injury Chiropractor Brockton but also within ten days since that period is crucial. If you delay, both the recovery along with that the cost of it increases. For early recovery, seek quicker remedy.

How to choose your chiropractor?

Start doing a quick research. Talk to your attorneys or doctors regarding the issue of remedy and insurance of your medical bills. Trust online sources, reviews, and rating of doctors or clinics. That will give you a fair idea of patient’s satisfaction and the ability of doctors. Search their website and if possible, do a local offline research as well.

· Has he done post graduation in caring for patients after car accidents?

· Does he refer to specialists if required?

· Will he explain the level of injury and costs to your attorney?

· Does your insurance cover it all?

· Does he re-examine patients?

· Ask for your records.

· Does he suggest MRI or any special examinations?

These will help you understand his candidness and dedication towards his work. All these would be done by a Brockton Chiropractic expert if you intend to get treatment under them.

When you have done all these, it will be easier enough for you to make a decision. Get well informed about your Chiropractor before he starts treatment in order to avoid getting into a fraudulent one. Keep yourself safe and healthy. If you are new and are not aware of the best options, trying out the experts of Dr. Brian Petrie Chiropractic Care can be one of the best ideas that you have.

