Unfulfilled? Here’s How to Realign Your Career

Dr. Twanna Carter
3 min readJun 23, 2023


As accomplished Black women executives in their 40s or 50s, many of you have undoubtedly achieved success in your careers. However, it’s crucial to take a moment to reflect on whether your career goals truly align with your personal values. It’s easy to become engrossed in the pursuit of success and lose sight of what genuinely matters to you. In this blog post, we will delve into the significance of aligning your career goals with your personal values and explore the unique challenges that Black women face in this regard.

The Disconnection Black Women Feel

Black women often experience a profound disconnection when their careers no longer align with their values. For many, their professional journeys have been shaped by societal expectations, systemic barriers, and the need to prove themselves in predominantly white and male-dominated spaces. As they climb the corporate ladder, they may find themselves achieving success according to conventional standards but feeling disconnected from their true selves. The dissonance arises when their values, shaped by their cultural experiences, personal growth, and community, are no longer reflected in their career paths.

The Importance of Aligning Career Goals with Personal Values

Aligning career goals with personal values holds tremendous importance for Black women executives. Firstly, it allows them to live authentic lives that resonate with their true selves. When career goals are in harmony with personal values, a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction permeates their work. Secondly, it empowers them to make better decisions. When confronted with difficult choices, referring back to their personal values provides guidance and clarity. Lastly, it enables them to prioritize their time and energy effectively. By discerning what genuinely matters to them, they can focus on endeavors that align with their core values.

Steps to Align Your Career Goals with Your Personal Values

Identify your personal values: Carve out time for introspection and contemplate what truly matters to you. Identify your core values and what you stand for. Jot down a list of your top values.

Evaluate your current career goals: Take a critical look at your existing career goals. Do they align with your personal values? If not, pinpoint the areas where the disconnection lies.

Make adjustments: If your career goals no longer resonate with your personal values, it’s time to make adjustments. This might involve changing your current career trajectory or setting new goals that genuinely align with your values.

Take action: Once you have identified your personal values and aligned your career goals accordingly, it’s time to take action. Develop a plan to achieve your revised career goals while remaining true to your values throughout the journey.

If you have ever felt like your career is taking over your life. Then it’s crucial to ensure that your career goals align with your personal values. When you’re able to achieve this alignment, you can lead a life that’s true to who you are, make informed decisions, and effectively allocate your time and energy.

However, if you’re feeling a disconnection between your values and your current career goals, it’s time to make a change. Don’t let the corporate grind consume you, causing burnout and guilt. You can take the right proactive steps towards achieving new career goals that better fit your life. Remember, success isn’t just about reaching objectives; it’s about living a life that resonates with your true self.

You deserve a career that allows for a healthy work-life balance and fulfills your true purpose. Let’s work together to realign your values and find a career that brings you joy and fulfillment. If you’re ready to take the first step towards finding a career that aligns with your values, sign up for a free 30-Minute Career Solution Call today.

I’d love the opportunity to answer any questions you have, and you can always reach me at twanna@twannacarter.com.



Dr. Twanna Carter

Career Coach💥Mental Fitness Coach💥Certified Hypnotist💥Anxiety Coach💥US Army Veteran💥1913🔺💥https://www.youtube.com/@coachtwannacarter