Stop the Burnout: Work-Life Balance Strategies for Ambitious Black Women

Dr. Twanna Carter
5 min readJan 14, 2024


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Shondia takes a deep breath as she looks at the endless flood of emails in her inbox, the urgent texts from clients, and the mounting pile of paperwork on her desk. As a successful marketing director and single mom of two, she loves her fast-paced career but lately has felt overwhelmed and burnt out from constantly working.

“I just wish I had more time for self-care while also advancing in my career,” she laments. “But something has to give.”

Shondia’s story is one many professional Black women can relate to. We strive for big goals and want to support our families while also taking care of ourselves. However, with already high rates of stress and unequal burdens at home and work, we struggle profoundly to find that ever-elusive work-life balance.

For Black women, the balancing act is especially precarious — we’re more likely to head single-parent households, deal with health issues, all while fighting for career growth amid biases. No wonder superwoman type imposter syndrome and burnout are so prevalent!

But with some effort and insight, we can shift the narrative to prioritize our well-being. The key is rethinking not just what work-life balance means, but also how we approach self-care while crushing career goals.

Here we’ll explore research-backed strategies focused on three key areas: reframing mindsets, setting boundaries, and finding empowering support. With these steps, we can stop the burnout cycle and discover how to thrive both at work and home on our own terms.

Work-life Balance Strategy — Reframing the Mindsets Holding Us Back

A 2019 study published in The Psychology of Women Quarterly found that Black women who feel high levels of pressure to succeed at work, home, and in their social lives tend to internalize the “Strong Black Woman” archetype. This can motivate us to downplay struggles and eschew self-care, causing strain over time.

Additionally, Black women often grapple with comparison, imposter syndrome, and perfectionism — worrying our best is never enough. We are also more likely to experience microaggressions, marginalization, and “office housework” like planning events while being passed up for leadership roles.

This toxic mix understandably fuels mindsets that our needs must come last, neglecting wellness to “prove” ourselves. However, researchers say shifting perspectives to see self-care as essential, not selfish, can empower us to set boundaries without guilt. We can also learn to challenge narratives that diminish our worth in workplace settings.

Setting Empowered Boundaries

Once we address unhelpful assumptions, we gain clarity to voice needs unapologetically. However, as Black women we still disproportionately shoulder domestic duties, spending 43% more time on housework and childcare than white women. This makes it more challenging to set work limits.

One solution is to split chores equitably with partners early on via detailed schedules. If you’re a single parent, enlist trusted family or explore affordable cleaning/childcare help. While we’re amazing at multitasking, we can’t do it all alone!

Next, know your rights. Look into company wellness policies, labor laws, and regulations like OSHA that mandate reasonable workplace safety and accommodations for medical needs. Don’t be afraid to speak up about adjusting hours, deadlines, or workloads if they become unreasonable — especially with health issues.

You can also batch tasks for efficiency, block off me-time, and use automation tools. Schedule recurring “non-negotiable” self-care activities weekly too, whether it’s a soothing bath, lunch with friends, or turning off your devices for a full day to recharge and get creative. Just taking small consistent steps to honor your needs makes a big difference long-term.

The Power of Support Networks

Part of burnout is feeling like no one understands the unique pressures we face. But surrounding ourselves with empowering communities that nurture and inspire us can help ease that isolation.

We can also benefit from personal support systems that let us vent safely about frustrations while getting much-needed laughter and care in return. Don’t neglect the sisterhood that recharges you! Having stalwart cheerleaders in our corner keeps us motivated to forge ahead on days when we feel spent.

Finally, mental health support is essential too. Black women still contend with many stigmas here — we’re told to just “push through”. But therapists help us heal core wounds fueling exhaustion. And life coaches guide us through obstacles with fresh strategies we haven’t considered before. Investing in self-care is not selfish, but smart.

Creating Balance and Harmony on Our Own Terms

The old-school concept of work-life balance — compartmentalizing work and personal time into neat silos — doesn’t serve Black women’s realities or goals. We need dynamic solutions that help us nurture wellbeing holistically while being ambitious.

With mindset shifts, strong boundaries, and intentional communities uplifting us, we gain tools to write our own rules. We can now seamlessly integrate self-prioritization into every area of life, protecting spaces for restoration without sacrificing professional advancement. The result is a personalized fusion of aligned career and personal choices that lift us up, not tear us down.

While the balancing act is ongoing, with these insights you’re now better equipped to find work-life harmony every step ahead on your unique path to success. Ready to stop burning out and start thriving as the unstoppable woman you are? It starts now. Reach and claim your 30-Minute Free Career Solution Call to learn more about our career coaching for professional Black women ready to confidently shatter ceilings without losing themselves in the process. You — and your dreams — deserve nothing less.

Finding work-life balance can feel frustrating and impossible, but it doesn’t have to be. Expand your understanding of achieving greater harmony between your personal and professional goals by watching the eye-opening video “Breaking the Myth: The Truth About Work Life Balance.”

In this game-changing 19 minute video, I bust common myths holding people back from success on their own terms. Invest a few minutes now to discover real world advice and strategies for creating sustainable work-life integration specifically for ambitious black women just like you.

Thinking of hiring a career coach to help you find a job that you can feel happy at? Connect with Dr. Twanna, and claim your FREE 30-Minute Career Solution Consultation.

Twanna Carter, PhD, ICF/PCC, Career Coach for Black Women Leaders | 20+ Years of Experience Helping Women Achieve Their Career Goals | Leadership | Personal Development | Business Strategy | Career Development | Lifestyle Balance | Digital Business Card | Free 30-Minute Career Solution Call



Dr. Twanna Carter

Career Coach💥Mental Fitness Coach💥Certified Hypnotist💥Anxiety Coach💥US Army Veteran💥1913🔺💥