What role does intuition play in interpreting Tarot cards, and how does it enhance the reading?

Dr Deipti Garg
3 min readSep 2, 2023


Delving into the mystical realm of Tarot, we encounter a fascinating dance between the cards and the intuitive soul. As a Tarot Card Reader Expert, I am here to illuminate the profound role that intuition plays in interpreting these ancient symbols and how it elevates the entire Tarot reading experience.

The Symbiotic Relationship: Intuition and Tarot:
Within the enchanting world of Tarot, every card embodies a story, a symbol, and a message. Yet, these messages are often shrouded in enigmatic symbolism, awaiting the interpreter’s insight. Here’s where intuition emerges as our guiding star.

Image Credit — Dr. Deipti Garg
  1. Unveiling Symbolism: Intuition acts as the conduit between the Tarot cards and the reader. It’s the inner wisdom that leads us to unveil the profound meanings concealed within the symbols and imagery of each card. While traditional interpretations exist, intuition empowers the reader to infuse these interpretations with personal relevance, tailored to the seeker’s unique journey.
  2. The Energy Connection: Tarot cards are not mere paper; they are vessels of energy. Intuition allows the reader to tap into this vibrant energy and attune to its vibrations. Picture it as tuning into a radio station; intuition is the frequency that helps us receive the messages meant for the seeker.

The Elevation of Tarot through Intuition:

  1. Tailored Guidance: Intuition facilitates the customization of a Tarot reading, aligning it precisely with the seeker’s questions and needs. It crafts a narrative that speaks directly to the seeker’s heart, rendering the reading profoundly relevant and insightful.
  2. Layers of Insight: While the Tarot cards lay the foundation, intuition adds depth and subtlety to the reading. It uncovers those delicate nuances that may elude a surface-level interpretation. Often, it is these subtleties that hold the key to unlocking the seeker’s deepest understanding.
  3. Empathetic Connection: Intuition nurtures an empathetic bond between the reader and the seeker. It allows the reader to sense the seeker’s emotions, fears, and aspirations, fostering a safe and compassionate space for exploration and healing.
  4. Dynamic Guidance: During a Tarot reading, intuition engages in a dynamic dialogue with the seeker’s energy. This real-time connection enables fluid and adaptive guidance, addressing the seeker’s evolving thoughts and emotions throughout the session.
  5. Validation and Empowerment: Intuition often unveils revelations that resonate profoundly with the seeker. This validation and empowerment, derived from the alignment of inner thoughts and the Tarot’s insights, can be a profoundly transformative and healing experience.

In essence, Tarot cards provide the canvas, and intuition serves as the artist’s brushstroke that breathes life into the reading. As a Tarot Card Reader Expert, I hold in deep reverence and trust the power of intuition in my practice. It’s this intuitive synergy that enables me to offer seekers personalized, insightful, and life-changing readings, empowering them to navigate their life’s odyssey with unwavering clarity and confidence.

Allow me to introduce myself — I am Dr. Deipti Garg, a beacon of light and insight in the mystical realms of Tarot Card Reading, Numerology, Crystal Healing, Love Spell Casting, and Spiritual Coaching. With a profound dedication to the ancient wisdom and esoteric arts, I have honed my expertise over the years to become a trusted guide on the spiritual journey of countless individuals. My journey into these mystic arts has been driven by an unshakable passion to illuminate paths, offer clarity, and empower those who seek answers and transformation. With a heart deeply connected to the cosmic energies and a spirit filled with compassion, I am here to be your guiding light on the path to self-discovery, healing, and personal growth. Welcome to a world of endless possibilities, guided by the wisdom of the universe and the wisdom of Dr. Deipti Garg.

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Dr Deipti Garg

Dr. Deipti Garg, a renowned numerologist and tarot card reader having outstanding experience and immense amount of knowledge in the field.