It’s Not A Sunday

Dolcelyn Imperio-Smith, Psy.D.
1 min readMay 12, 2017


I am looking for my groove.

Yesterday I carried the hard copy of my novel’s first draft to work. I looked at it between breaks.

I tried to post a video in reddit and I was notified that I didn’t have enough karma to have it published. I didn’t know I needed karma points for that.

I only know about karma points from Scribophile. I just need a little more than half a karma point to post my first three chapters there.

Showing off my rings.

My husband got me a Mother’s Day open heart ring by Jane Seymour from Jared about three years ago. I’m showing it off in that picture above.

There are variants that I’ve seen about “finding my groove” in writing. Most other writers call it a “habit.” Some say 30 minutes, others say write 100 words, another said 500 words, and one said just write every day. Anyway…

Today is Friday. Two days before Sunday, Mother’s Day. I get spurts of inspiration a couple days before a special day. Last month was my birthday month. I got a couple spurts of inspiration that I didn’t follow through with.

But today I did!

