Pokemon Review API

Dhruv Kumar
3 min readJun 25, 2023


GitHub Link : https://github.com/dhruvkumar07/pokemonAPI

Project Description: Pokemon Review API using Spring Boot

The Pokemon Review API is a web service designed to provide users with the ability to review and rate different Pokemon species. It is built using the Spring Boot framework, which allows for the efficient development of RESTful APIs.

The main objective of this project is to create an API that enables users to retrieve information about various Pokemon, post their own reviews, and access aggregated ratings and reviews from other users. The API will utilize a database to store and retrieve Pokemon information, as well as user-generated reviews.

Key Features:

1. Pokemon Information: The API will provide endpoints to retrieve detailed information about different Pokemon species, including their name, type, abilities, and base statistics.

2. User Registration and Authentication: Users will be able to register for an account and authenticate themselves using their credentials. This will allow them to post reviews and ratings for Pokemon.

3. Pokemon Reviews: Users can create, read, update, and delete reviews for Pokemon species. Each review will contain a rating (on a scale of 1 to 5 stars) and a written comment.

4. Aggregate Ratings: The API will calculate and provide aggregated ratings for each Pokemon, based on the average rating from all user reviews.

5. Search and Filtering: Users can search for Pokemon by name, type, or other criteria. The API will support filtering and sorting capabilities to help users find the desired Pokemon quickly.

6. Pagination: To handle large amounts of data, the API will implement pagination, allowing users to retrieve Pokemon and reviews in smaller, manageable chunks.

7. Error Handling: Proper error handling and validation will be implemented to ensure that users receive appropriate error messages in case of invalid requests or server-side issues.

8. API Documentation: The project will include detailed API documentation using tools like Swagger or Springfox, making it easy for developers to understand and interact with the API.

Technology Stack:

The project will be developed using the following technologies:

  • Java: The core programming language for building the API.
    - Spring Boot: A Java framework that simplifies the development of web applications.
    - Spring Data JPA: Provides support for database operations and object-relational mapping.
    - PostgreSQL: A popular open-source relational database management system for storing Pokemon and review data.
    - Maven: Build automation tools for managing dependencies and compiling the project.

Overall, the Pokemon Review API using Spring Boot aims to provide a seamless and user-friendly experience for Pokemon enthusiasts to share their opinions and access information about different Pokemon species.

