2018 XFINITY Daytona Qualifying

Diandra Leslie-Pelecky
Building Speed
Published in
1 min readFeb 17, 2018

A fast one-graph summary of data for the XFINITY qualifying stats.

Qualifying Lap Times for Daytona XFINITY Race

Up to 36th position, qualifying times are roughly linear with a slope of 0.056 seconds per position.

1st to 2nd: 0.083 seconds

1st to 5th: 0.298 seconds

1st to 10th: 0.602 seconds

1st to 20th: 1.053 seconds

1st to 30th: 1.566 seconds

1st to 36th: 1.970 seconds

The 3 car didn’t post a qualifying time and is in the 40th position.

Originally published at Building Speed.



Diandra Leslie-Pelecky
Building Speed

Science, Motorsports and Random Observations. My writing twitter is @DiandraWrites.