Stop Complaining

Dominick Butler
3 min readAug 16, 2016


Phil 2:14–16; Do all things without complaining and disputing, 15 that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, 16 holding fast the word of life, so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or labored in vain.

1) Choose not to complain

Complaining is the fruit of unbelief. Complaining makes you easy prey for the devil. Bill Johnson the senior pastor of Bethel has a striking quote of truth, “Complaining is to the devil what praise is to God.” The world loves complaining, it makes them feel accomplished when they express their malice opinions. Well christians, you are told not to…so cut it out! (John 15:2). The scriptures above tell us a life of blamelessness is the result of living a life absent of complaining and disputing. The majority of character is defined by what you choose not to do.

2) Resist complaining

As hard as it may be to not chime in to express your complaints about political issues and the economy with co-workers at work, or family members around the holidays, you must resist it! Where there is complaining there is no witness of God’s kingdom. Resisting the need to complain and argue is not just good advice, it is a kingdom principle that exalts the character of God in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation. When you resist something, you reveal the values you embrace, which ultimately unveils the Lord you are submitted to. The bible tells us to give no room to the devil, and then it goes on to talk about anger. (Eph 4:26–27). Complaining & arguing are rooted in anger. Resist the tactics of the enemy by eliminating the influence of complaining and arguing in your life. You resist things that are dangerous to your well-being. Complaining is pollution to the environment of your purpose.

3) Holdfast the Word of Life

This is the key to having the wisdom and know how to not complain & argue. Complaining is infested with doubt and fear, it is the absolute opposite of God’s word. Complaining is useless noise fueling the delay of the answer. God doesn’t complain, and if we desire to represent the kingdom of God as His children, complaining should not be even remotely intertwined with our vocabulary. Complaining is pollution to the environment of your purpose.

Have you ever seen a dog grab something with its mouth and hold on tight…? If you throw another toy or bone its way, it will let go of what it has to go after the new toy or bone. This is what too many christians are doing, they hold on to the word, but when an issue arises where they want to complain, they let go of the word to put complaining in their mouth! When you holdfast to the word you have no room or desire to complain, because you are convinced God’s promises will overrule any issue. The desire to complain dies when you are daily convinced of the Word of God! (Heb 10:23). Holdfast to the Word, and let go of the need to complain. Be a witness unto the Kingdom of God, not a another complainer of the world.

**Whatever areas you find yourself complaining & arguing, find scriptures for those issues and speak the Word over them. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom on how to resist the temptation of complaining & arguing and He will help you in Jesus Name! (James 1:5) (John 14:26)



Dominick Butler

Completely in love with Jesus Christ. Husband. Father. Pastor. Worship Leader. Author.