SINUSITIS : Causes & Treatment options

Daraklshan Praveen
2 min readOct 31, 2022


Nasal sinus inflammation is referred to as sinusitis. In typical conditions, the sinuses secrete a small amount of mucus. The mucosal membrane, however, dramatically boosts mucus production when inflammation takes hold. Bacterial, fungal, viral, or allergic causes are frequently responsible for inflammation.

The sinus mucosa swells as a result of nasal sinus inflammation, which blocks the sinus outflow. Since the pus is unable to go through the nose, pressure builds up inside the sinus cavities, resulting in increased inflammation. As a result, the drainage channels become blocked and the inflammation gets worse, creating a vicious cycle.

• Pain and sensitivity
• Nasal clogging
• A facial ache
• Headaches
• General unwellness and exhaustion
• Thick nasal discharge that is green or yellow
• Nasal drip after.
• Inflammation of the throat brought on by post-nasal drip
• Congested ears
• Dizziness

How is a sinus infection identified?

Sinusitis symptoms often resemble cold or allergy symptoms. Determining whether you have sinusitis in Nagpur is vital because the condition can lead to serious consequences. There are various ways to check for sinusitis, including:

Endoscopy of the nose
A CT scan.
Sinus and nasal cultures.
An allergy test.

Treatment Options :

Nasal saline sprays
Nasal Steroids Inhaled
Immunotherapy allergy shots: desensitisation
operative sinus endoscopy
Nutrition — Maintaining a healthy diet is crucial for fighting off infections and recovering from them.
Relief from Pain
Endoscopic sinus surgery could be necessary when certain obstructions do not respond to medicines or minimally invasive techniques.

Modern sinus surgery is performed in Nagpur by Dr. Darakshan to help you breathe better and live a better life.

