30 Day Writing Challenge: My 4 Day Hiatus Now What?

Drea Pereira
2 min readApr 26, 2017



So naturally, I missed few days of writing, to be honest, I didn’t think it was going to be this soon in the game. Doubt and life get in the way. Also creating a habit is difficult, especially when you have been undisciplined.

My subconscious beliefs had slithered back, and I made up quite a few excuses, why I shouldn’t or wouldn’t post. It was a stress and a relief.

The relief came from being in my comfort zone of procrastination. The stress came from the underlying emotions of disappointment and contempt. These opposing emotions of relief and stress created tension and anxiety.

Everyone in this world including myself has a lot to offer, and usually, the only one in your way is yourself. Me, myself, and I, the sole culprit for not being consistent.

I continue to seek balance, the process by no means has to be perfect or stressful. It’s supposed to be about growth and self-discovery through creativity.

So it’s ok to skip a few days as long as I continue going and it’s fun.

I am trying to learn to be ok with my imperfections and just write. Rather than not writing at all and continue being a perfectionist that has already declared failure.

I want to remind myself that my motivation for writing more is to unleash this creative beast I have inside of me. How it is also a stepping stone for other amazing habits to come.

I am trying to tap into as much of my potential as possible in this lifetime. So I can be at peace with the fact I didn’t just take from this life, but I created and gave back. Even if what I create doesn’t end up being genius, at least I can say I tried. See you here tomorrow!



Drea Pereira

Third culture kid, Feminista, manifestor who wants to live a dream in reality. Rather be floating with the twinkling stars. Aspiring (fill in the blank).