Navigating Your Leadership Journey: 7 Lessons from Gartner Executive Ben Tan

Dream Catchers
9 min readMar 8, 2024


Sharing his three-decade-long evolution on The Dream Catchers Show, the Senior Executive Partner at Gartner distills the building blocks for exemplary leadership

Leadership lessons from Ben Tan to navigate your leadership journey

Embarking on a leadership journey is no small feat. It’s about constantly pushing boundaries, embracing growth, and, most importantly, discovering the unique leader in you.

Ben Tan, for instance, has discovered the motivational leader in him over three decades of a remarkable career. A seasoned executive with years of senior leadership experience across diverse sectors, Ben embodies the essence of adaptive, authentic, and impactful leadership.

His story is a testament to the multifaceted nature of leadership, encompassing the importance of adaptability, empathy, and integrity.

Drawing inspiration from Ben’s experiences as shared on The Dream Catchers Show, this guide aims to illuminate the path for those setting out on their leadership journeys, complete with insights and strategies to navigate and find success.

Taking the First Step in Your Leadership Journey and The Next

Leadership isn’t merely a title — it’s a journey of continuous evolution, learning, and influence.

And you can take that first step of this journey at any time and in any field you choose.

Ben’s transformative journey, for instance, had its roots in sports, laying the foundation of leadership that would later define his career.

Distilling his experiences and leadership ethos, we have seven actionable lessons that can help charter every aspiring leader’s professional journey:

  1. Unearth your leadership style in the field, early on
  2. Broaden your horizon with diverse experiences
  3. Embrace and learn from challenges
  4. Cultivate empathy and effective communication
  5. Uphold your integrity and values
  6. Encourage continuous learning and innovation
  7. Balance professional achievements with personal growth

1. Unearth Your Leadership Style in the Field, Early On

Ben’s initial foray into leadership on the sports field was less about the glory of victory and more about the spirit of unity and resilience. It wasn’t merely about tactics or physical prowess; it was about uplifting spirits, forging a sense of camaraderie, and maintaining morale even when the odds were stacked against the team.

My leadership journey started when I was young. With sports, you basically needed to galvanize people.

Through sports, Ben learned to lead by example, communicate effectively, and understand the unique strengths and weaknesses of each team member.

Ben’s journey underscores the importance of seizing early leadership opportunities as a testing ground for developing your unique leadership style. Whether it’s captaining a sports team, leading a group project at school, or volunteering for leadership roles in community organizations, it’s important to seek these invaluable experiences. Try your hand at taking initiative, navigating the complexities of team dynamics, motivating and inspiring others, and learning how to make decisions under pressure — these processes will help you test and develop your leadership skills.

Takeaway: As you step into these early leadership roles, remember that every interaction, every decision, and every challenge is a learning opportunity. It can help you decide the kind of leader you want to be. How many leadership types are you aware of? While many studies cite three primary leadership styles, you can also develop a more nuanced approach, such as transactional leadership, democratic, transformational, and so on.

2. Broaden Your Horizon with Diverse Experiences

Transitioning from the straightforward dynamics of sports leadership to the multifaceted challenges of the corporate world, Ben’s leadership journey exemplifies the profound impact of taking on varied roles across different sectors.

As he humorously recounts, Ben’s initial plunge into the retail industry came without prior knowledge of the company’s operations. This experience was not just about mastering the art of sales or navigating customer grievances but about understanding the human elements that underpin business transactions, including communication skills and patience.

I learned verbal judo for the first time, dealing with difficult customers.

When Ben stepped into the tech world with Microsoft, his career shifted toward strategic roles that demanded different skills. Here, the empathy, adaptability, and customer-centric approach he cultivated in retail became his strongest assets. Leading teams and driving change across different countries, Ben’s leadership was tested in varied cultural and business landscapes. The results he achieved underlined versatility and a willingness to learn from every situation as indispensable leadership qualities.

What does this mean for you?

Embrace diverse experiences as a gateway to robust leadership. Diversifying your career experiences, much like Ben did, is not merely about building a resume. Approach each new role with curiosity and an eagerness to learn. The result: a wealth of knowledge and skills that are transferable across any context and guide your leadership philosophy.

Takeaway: Step outside your comfort zone because leadership growth occurs at the edge of comfort. Seek roles in industries or departments that are unfamiliar. Treat each new environment as a classroom and every challenge as a lesson waiting to be learned.

3. Embrace and Learn from Challenges

In business, as in sports and life, the true test of leadership often lies not in how we celebrate our victories but in how we face defeats.

Ben’s journey through the echelons of Microsoft, complete with rapid promotions and geographical transitions, is a testament to the resilience required to be a revolutionary leader. “It was tough… but doing that transformation was a huge learning experience,” Ben reflects on his tenure in Korea, where he not only led teams that were significantly older but also navigated the complex cultural and business landscapes of a new country.

But he chose to focus on embracing the challenges not as insurmountable obstacles but as avenues for learning.

This is an important leadership lesson. As an aspiring leader, your action plan must include the ability to view challenges as catalysts for growth. If an unexpected result gives you pause or an unforeseen development challenges your team’s efforts on a project, simply analyze what went wrong, understand and communicate the lessons learnt, and forge on.

Takeaway: Embarking on a leadership journey and building an ethos of resilience is as much about introspection and personal growth as it is about guiding others or achieving objectives.

4. Cultivate Empathy and Effective Communication

Ben shares that his early exposure to the dynamics of team leadership in sports was invaluable, teaching him the importance of adaptability and clear communication — qualities that would later define his professional leadership style as he transitioned into more complex, high-stakes corporate environments.

Today, Ben’s leadership style has evolved to emphasize empathy at its core. This evolution wasn’t incidental but a conscious choice, reflecting a deep understanding of the human element in leadership. Ben believes in the power of empathy to transform workplace dynamics, underscoring the idea that leadership transcends mere transactional interactions to foster genuine connections and build trust and rapport with team members.

If I cared about helping that person out, I would galvanize the leadership relationship with them.

The essence of Ben’s approach lies in integrating empathy with effective communication. His leadership style demonstrates that it’s possible to be a strong leader while being profoundly human.

At every stage of your leadership journey, you can be approachable, understanding, and deeply committed to your team’s well-being. See all your team members as individuals, understand their unique motivations, challenges, and aspirations, and support them with the necessary resources. These steps, executed consciously, will ensure every team member feels heard, valued, and understood, creating a work environment that’s not only positive but also highly productive.

Takeaway: Did you know nearly a third (29%) of employees wish organizations acted with more empathy? Cultivating empathy across contexts is essential to enhance satisfaction and retention and prevent burnout. Working in diverse settings allows you to meet and understand people from various backgrounds. This not only broadens your perspective but also deepens your empathetic approach to leadership.

5. Uphold Your Integrity and Values

A close look at Ben’s professional journey will reveal a continuously evolving path, from navigating the dynamic demands of a retail giant to executing pivotal roles at Microsoft.

Yet, amidst the flux of varying roles and responsibilities, Ben has had an unwavering dedication to his core values of honesty, respect, and accountability. These bedrock principles have steered his decisions and sculpted his leadership identity across the decades.

Ben’s counsel to aspiring leaders is profound and simple: “Stay true to your values. Have confidence that you will do the right thing,” highlighting the indispensable role of integrity in leadership.

Your leadership journey should be a reflection of your core values at every point and in every decision you make. How can extend this to your team? Reflect on your personal experiences, understand what principles drive you, and then create and share value-based guidelines. Constantly check for alignment and recognize values in action by others. Finally, be willing to take feedback, discuss dilemmas, and course correct to adjust habitual, non-productive behaviors.

Takeaway: Lead with authenticity and ethical integrity. This commitment to principles not only defines your leadership style but also inspires those around you to elevate their own standards and aspirations.

6. Encourage Continuous Learning and Innovation

Ben’s eagerness to learn and innovate kept him at the forefront of technological advancements, particularly during his time as a beta tester for Microsoft Windows 95. This mindset of constant learning and adaptation fueled his career progression and success across different sectors.

How can you incorporate this into your leadership journey?

By embracing continuous learning of diverse experiences. Stay curious and open to new ideas. The landscape of business and technology is ever-evolving, and as a leader, your ability to adapt and innovate is crucial.

Remember, each industry comes with its own set of rules, challenges, and opportunities. Adapting to these differences sharpens your problem-solving skills and enhances your strategic agility. Such diverse opportunities also teach you about yourself — your strengths, your weaknesses, and how you react in the face of challenges. They encourage you to reflect on the kind of leader you want to be and how you can best serve your team.

Also, foster a culture of learning within your teams, encouraging creativity, innovation, and continuous improvement. Extend every possible learning and development opportunity related to your sector or niche with a dedicated budget, and recognize change-makers.

Takeaway: Seek cross-cultural exposure for leadership growth. Taking on roles that expose you to different cultures and business practices enriches your understanding of global business dynamics, preparing you for leadership roles on an international scale.

7. Balance Professional Achievements with Personal Growth

As Ben reflects on his expansive career to date, he articulates the greatest satisfaction in his current phase, where he has the freedom to choose roles that align with his values and contributions. This balance between professional aspirations and personal fulfillment has been key to his contentment and success.

I actually enjoy where I’m at right now the most, because now I have control in what jobs I want to take on.

The essence of this reflection offers a critical lesson for aspiring leaders: the journey to true leadership fulfillment is not a linear path marked by professional milestones alone. Instead, it is a nuanced balancing act that involves aligning one’s career ambitions with personal values and goals. This alignment ensures that your professional endeavors not only propel you forward in your career but also contribute to your personal development and satisfaction.

So, as you navigate your personal leadership journey, strive to find a balance between your professional achievements and personal growth. Regularly self-reflect and seek mentorship and feedback. Also, review your commitment to professional and personal development through relevant courses, training, and workshops. By prioritizing these steps, you pave the way for a rewarding career that reflects your true self, embodying the essence of authentic leadership.

Takeaway: Pursue roles that resonate with your core values and push your professional boundaries, ensuring your career moves also enrich your personal growth and align with your life’s objectives.

That wraps up our easy-to-follow guide, courtesy of Ben Tan, for every individual who aspires to take over the helm — be it on a corporate board, at a startup, in the field, or just about anywhere!

Each chapter of Ben’s career and leadership journey can be seen as a masterclass in adaptability, empathy, and strategic thinking. It reminds us that leadership is a continual process of growth, adaptation, and heartfelt connection with those we lead.

Do watch the episode linked above to unearth more lessons for yourself. And as you chart your course, inspired by Ben’s story, remember that the legacy of a great leader is measured not by titles or accolades but by the positive impact you leave on your teams and the broader world.

What chapter are you set to write in your leadership journey?



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