Weekly Findings

New Incredible Text-To-Music Generation Model By Google

Jacob Ferus
4 min readJan 28, 2023
Image generated by Jacob Ferus

The following subjects are covered in this article:

  • MusicLM — New Music Generation Model From Text
  • YOLOPandas — Pandas Queries By AI In Jupyter Notebooks
  • Deep Learning Interviews — Free Book About AI Interview Questions

MusicLM — New Music Generation Model From Text

About a month ago, in an earlier edition of weekly findings, I wrote about a new music generation model called Riffusion. This model was using a fine-tuned version of Stable Diffusion to transform text into spectrograms that were then converted to audio signals.

Now, Google has created a new model and it’s even better. It’s called MusicLM and has a variety of features such as:

  • Audio generation from long-form text
  • Ability to generate audio samples of several minutes
  • Can use recorded humming in combination with text to generate music
  • Given the same prompt, it can generate a variety of different sounds
  • Generated signals are 24 kHz

The creators also publicly released a new high-quality text-to-music dataset that has been prepared by…



Jacob Ferus

Looking outside the box and making sense of the world using data.