Should you build your next app in Streamlit?

Jacob Ferus
3 min readApr 19, 2022
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Streamlit is a relatively recent library in Python to quickly be able to create web apps without any Javascript, CSS or HTML. In this article, I will go over the pros & cons of Streamlit and when I believe you should and should not use it.


Streamlit is really easy to start prototyping in. You can get up and running in just a few lines of code. For instance, in the code below a simple counter app is created.

Streamlit is integrated with Python. The usual visualization libraries you may use like matplotlib and plotly can easily be used with Streamlit. Additionally, from pandas DataFrames you can comfortably show your data in tables without any extra work.

You only need Python! This is the most obvious but strongest advantage. If you’ve worked with frontend you know it’s a hassle to set up and send data back and forth between Python and Javascript. Streamlit avoids all that trouble.


Streamlit is very constrained. Oh, you would like to change the color of a button…



Jacob Ferus

Looking outside the box and making sense of the world using data.