The Zodiac Wheel: Choose Your Own Adventure by Sign

Dreaming Souls
5 min readJul 31, 2018


The zodiac is the collection of twelve constellations that make up Western astrology: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Each of the signs represents a phase of the human archetypal experience, starting with the birth of individual human consciousness in Aries and ending with the transcendence back into unity consciousness in Pisces.

In this post we’ll give a foundational overview of each of the signs, including their planetary rulers and basic traits, and add a little sparkle to your understanding of the zodiac personalities with a Choose Your Adventure poll at the end of each sign!


The first sign of the zodiac, Aries, embodies the birth of consciousness, striking out into the process of individuation.

Aries is the adventurous adrenaline junkie ruled by Mars, the god of war. They are guided by instinct, are natural pioneers, and experience every emotion as if for the first time. Aries love competition, extreme sports, sneakers, and are great with kids and animals.

Choose your adventure: Race car driving bootcamp or the first tourist flight to outer space


Taurus represents human consciousness settling down from the shock of birth experienced in Aries, ready to enjoy the Earthly experience.

Their ruler is Venus, the goddess of beauty, values, and pleasure. They are the second sign of the zodiac and love good food, sleep, bodywork, sex, and cash.

Choose your adventure: Paid staycation or all expenses paid trip to the Naples pizza festival


In Gemini, human consciousness encounters the Other and begins its exploration of duality.

They are the third sign of the zodiac and ruled by Mercury, the god of communication and time. Geminis love stimulus, information, witty conversation, surprises, and are known for being able to see both sides of any situation.

Choose your adventure: Round trip time travel or a mystery one-way flight


The fourth sign of the zodiac is Cancer, in which human consciousness reacts to the experience of Other with emotion, causing it to seek safety in the home base.

Cancer is ruled by the moon and centers on intuition, ocean tides, menstrual cycles, and the family unit. Cancers love emotional bonding, stories, souvenirs, and intimate gatherings.

Choose your adventure: A private yacht cruise or a trip to Iceland’s Blue Lagoon hot spring and spa


In Leo, the fifth sign of the zodiac, human consciousness channels the emotions experienced in Cancer into creative life force.

Ruled by the Sun, Leo embodies art, loyalty, warmth, playfulness, and nobility. Leos love glamour, parties, heroism, masterpieces, and selfies.

Choose your adventure: First class flights for life or a private dinner with Beyonce.


The sixth zodiac sign is Virgo. In Virgo, human consciousness learns to master the raw creative life force that is so exalted in the preceding sign of Leo. And so Virgo is associated with discipline, details, and purity.

Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the god of communication, merchants, and analysis. Virgos love to-do lists, order, clarity, wellness, and have a soft and sensual side despite their stoic demeanor.

Choose your adventure: A magic self-cleaning house or it turns out your personal trainer is your soulmate


In Libra, human consciousness applies the creative mastery of Virgo toward creating more beauty and balance in the world.

Libra is the 7th sign in the zodiac and is ruled by Venus, the goddess of relationships, love, justice, and the arts. Libras love to work a room, luxury, and politics. Contrary to popular belief, Libras are not always naturally balanced! They often tend toward extremes, causing them to value and seek out balance in their lives.

Choose your adventure: A $1 million shopping spree or wake up a musical genius


Scorpio is the 8th sign of the zodiac and co-ruled by Pluto, the god of death and transformation, and Mars, the god of war.

Scorpio can be seen as the autumn of human consciousness, departing from the sunny, beautiful Earth’s surface to enter the underworld. Scorpio is a deeply passionate and emotional sign and loves solving mysteries, mastering their craft, conspiracy theories, the arts, and indulging their secret obsessions.

Choose your adventure: Invisibility cloak or a private island


Sagittarius is the 9th zodiac sign and represents human consciousness, freshly arisen from the underworld and ready to explore all realms, Earthly and otherwise.

This adventurous and truth-seeking sign is ruled by Jupiter, the god of higher learning, philosophy, luck, and expansion. Sag loves travel, deep conversations, feasts, and communing with nature.

Choose your adventure: A one-way mystery flight or a psychedelic on-off switch


Capricorn is the 10th sign of the zodiac. In Capricorn, human consciousness applies the wisdom gained in the Sagittarian quest toward settling down and building a legacy.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the god of discipline, boundaries, and authority. Capricorns love gameplans, commitments, physical gestures of affection, and dry, sarcastic humor.

Choose your adventure: Mind-reading abilities or a fully paid-off luxury second home


In Aquarius, human consciousness envisions human potentials beyond the limits of the structures (and boundaries) created in Capricorn.

Aquarians are the 11th sign of the zodiac, embodying idealism, the future, and utopia. They are ruled by Uranus, the god of technology and revolution. They love sci-fi, research binges, and are secretly just as emotional as everyone else — they’re just not the most likely to express it out loud.

Choose your adventure: Wake up a polyglot or control electricity with your mind


Pisces is the final 12th sign of the zodiac wheel and represents the transition of human consciousness from the Earthly plane back into unity consciousness.

They are ruled by Neptune and encompass mysticism, inspiration, and alternate realities. Pisces love helping others, experimenting with consciousness-expanding practices (or substances), have a surprisingly sharp sense of humor, and are the most likely sign to go viral on social media.

Choose your adventure: Dinner with peaceful aliens or a private tropical island yoga retreat

Originally published at on July 31, 2018.

