Arielyah Harmse
Jan 11, 2024


Axiety Unraveled — The Workbook

by Arielyah Harmse

Cultivating Acceptance

The concept of acceptance that my resistance to change causes suffering is a powerful remedy. Recognizing that all experience is passing, we can view impermanence as an invitation to develop. Otherwise, it becomes a burden and the source of much pain. Abandoning attachments to the impermanent things of life saves us undeserved suffering and enables easy adjustment to organic change.

The world is ever changing, and so we must learn how to accept it. As human beings, we tend to become fixated and attached with temporary things — our relationships, our belongings or even our own selves. Yet by releasing such attachments and accepting the shortness of life, we can avoid unnecessary suffering about what cannot be helped and accept changes when they come.

