Medusa — The Gorgon

Locking Eyes With A Mystical Serpent

🐧 Ishfaq Ahmed
8 min readAug 26, 2021
Source — Reddit Dota2

Having the ability to look straight into the eyes of any living thing, and just by staring for a discrete time-period, take away their ability to breathe, move, or think consciously certainly does feel thrilling.

Or, how about petrifying to such an extent which makes their warm and pumping hearts as cold and inert as ice? Basically making people stoned..

According to Greek mythology, Gorgons have usually been referred to as grim and detestable monsters or cyclopes with wings, large hideous teeth, and tongues lolling out of their toxic lips.

And, throughout various portrayals of these immortal creatures, the sisters of the Graiai are frequently mentioned.

However, the most precious Gorgon sister of them all was actually a priestess with a beautiful face who went by the name of Medusa.

So, what had caused something so pure as a sanctuary to turn into something so vile and execrable like a sewer?

Some say it was due to her enraging the goddess Athena, or probably just due to her boastful and vulgar self-portrayal.

Whatever the reason may have been in different iterations, once Athena’s curse had been placed on her — things got really ugly.



🐧 Ishfaq Ahmed

⚡️ Engineer with an appetite for Computers 🖥, Programming ⌨, Coffee ☕️, and Cats 🐈.. 👋