The Student View

Dreams and Friendships
2 min readMay 31, 2015

Reflections from Students of the Dreams and Friendship Exchange

Q: This month we wrote poems about dreams. What did you learn about your dreams and how you can make them become reality?

A: I learned that my dreams are very important for me and my life. Dreams build the person and we can’t stop them. Every person has dreams. We mustn’t allow others to stop us from making our dreams reality. If we want our dreams to come true we must be persistent. — Mihaela L.; Macedonia

A: I have learned that my dreams can become real dreams and they can be big or small dreams. To make my dreams real I will work harder, study more, and I will be much more polite with everyone.— Arjan; Macedonia

A: During this year I learned that I have a lot of dreams and that I should always fight for them no matter what — for the small and for the big dreams. I dream of going on holiday with my family this summer and I’m going to fight for it. But I also dream of becoming a teacher in future, so I’ll work on that, too. — Merita; Macedonia

A: From the “Dream Flag Project,” we learned how important the big dreams are, like happiness, love, justice, friendship, and peace. we can make these dreams reality by helping other people, making new friends, giving love and respecting people. — Viktoriјa and Marija; Macedonia

A: In my dreams, I’m a swimmer. If I want to be a professional swimmer, I must train. I must be hard-working, and of course good at swimming. — Hristijan N.; Macedonia

A: This project taught us to search for new dreams and to fight for the old ones. I found out that I have a dream to be a famous model one day. I also want to become a teacher, but I knew that. Maybe this summer I’ll try harder to work on my new dream and I’ll spend more time with myself. I’ll exercise more and I also might study English harder. — Erzana; Macedonia

A: I learned more things about my dreams. In my dreams, I’m a very famous football player. I must work hard and keep trying. When you have desire, you can do anything. — Hristijan K.; Macedonia

A: I learned how to keep my dreams, how to protect them from others. We dream our dreams. They are part of us. We can’t let them die. If we want our dreams to come true, we must follow them. — Sanja S.; Macedonia

To learn more about the Dreams and Friendship Exchange, please read our initial blog.

— Abigail Jones, 2014–2015 Fulbright English Teaching Assistant

