A Deep Dive into Digital Printing Equipment in Dubai

3 min readSep 22, 2022


Introduction to the digital age

The era of digitization has conquered the whole world and made it easy for people to communicate and collaborate. We are now able to access information on the go. The number of appreciators is definitely more significant than people who still cringe over it. Dreamway Dubai made a determination to pay attention to the appreciator’s side and make the digital experience more user-friendly.

Dreamway Dubai is one leading supplier of digital printing materials and services for businesses and organizations. We believe that the digital world has made it easier for people to communicate and collaborate which has led to an escalating approach to various businesses.

Digital Printing Euipment Dubai

What is digital printing equipment?

Simply put, digital printing is the process of printing graphic images or digital-based images straight onto a substrate that may differ from one another. It is not the conventional analog method of printing like offset printing because digital printing does not need printing plates to be replaced. Along with other advantages, digital printing is on par with the results that come from the offset and is cost-effective too. this makes it quite high in demand.

Dreamway Dubai being one of the major printing material suppliers in Dubai, deals in a variety of digital printing such as:

1. Inkjet and Laser printing

2. Solid ink for large-scale printing

3. Sublimation printing

Let us know the process of digital printing

Unlike traditional analog printing, this revolutionary digital printing does not require any printing plates or transfer stickers. It is a relatively quick process because there are no stages between the printing process and the final image.

Dreamway Dubai deals in a variety of digital printing equipment in Dubai and has made a mark in the industry by supplying reliable and cost-effective printing services. Digital printing is an advanced technology that is used extensively for its versatility and has become a preferred mode of printing for all.

What are the advantages of digital printing?

There are many advantages of digital printing as compared to the traditional method of printing:

1. Frequent innovations have constantly contributed to the popularity of this method. advancing flexibility adds to its being fit for more products and ideas.

2. Physical printing requires a lot of machinery which makes the process very expensive, whereas digital printing equipment is cheaper to set up and run.

Large format printers

Also called wide format printers that can print on paper that is up to 100 inches wide. The large format printers are designed to meet a variety of needs. They can be used for your regular workspace needs. Besides, they can be used for advertising banners, maps or posters, and many other things.

One of the very dependable and promising large format printers is Epson large format printer. these are mainly used in the advertisement industry, construction, education, tradeshows, hospitality, etc.

One of the most important features of Epson large format printers is its ability to maintain the accuracy of the brand logo and color consistency. It also creates enhanced visual communication overcoming language barriers. This helps in the navigation of the customer’s decision.

Ranging from construction to education printing projects, to retail businesses, there are reasons enough for large format printers to be used.


It can be easily concluded that digital printing is the future of this industry. By designing all the aspects of the printing process and saving time and money too. No wonder people are turning to digital printing.




We are well-equipped to supply a large range of products and applications from large format indoor & outdoor printers.