A Comparative Analysis of VUCA, TUNA, BANI, and Pre, During, and Post Crisis Decision Making

5 min readJul 31, 2023


Abstract: In today’s rapidly changing and unpredictable world, effective decision-making during times of crisis is of paramount importance for organizations and individuals alike. This white paper explores and compares four prominent decision-making frameworks: VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity), TUNA (Think, Understand, Narrow down, and Act), BANI (Beliefs, Assumptions, Norms, and Institutional Constraints), and Pre, During, and Post Crisis Decision Making. By examining the principles, applications, and benefits of each approach, we aim to provide insights into their effectiveness in navigating crises and facilitating sustainable outcomes.

  1. Introduction: In today’s hyperconnected world, decision-making has become increasingly complex due to a multitude of factors such as globalization, technological advancements, and political volatility. The global landscape is characterized by constant change, uncertainties, and complexities that present unique challenges during times of crisis. Efficient and informed decision-making is crucial for organizations to survive and thrive amidst adversities. This white paper compares four distinct decision-making frameworks that have gained traction in recent times: VUCA, TUNA, BANI, and Pre, During, and Post Crisis Decision Making.
  2. VUCA: Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity: VUCA was originally introduced as a military concept during the Cold War but has been adapted for business and leadership decision-making in the 21st century. It emphasizes acknowledging the dynamic nature of the environment and encourages agility, flexibility, and adaptability. In VUCA, decision-makers anticipate and embrace change, leveraging opportunities within crises to gain a competitive advantage. By fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation, VUCA encourages organizations to thrive amidst uncertainty.
  3. TUNA: Think, Understand, Narrow down, and Act: TUNA centers on a systematic decision-making process, emphasizing the importance of thinking deeply, understanding the situation thoroughly, narrowing down options, and taking decisive action. The TUNA approach values analytical reasoning and data-driven insights to mitigate risks and make well-informed choices. By applying a structured methodology, TUNA enables decision-makers to identify the root causes of challenges, assess potential outcomes, and make sound decisions in even the most complex scenarios.
  4. BANI: Beliefs, Assumptions, Norms, and Institutional Constraints: BANI focuses on understanding the underlying beliefs, assumptions, norms, and institutional constraints that influence decision-making. By recognizing these factors, decision-makers can align their choices with the values and principles of their organization or community. BANI is especially relevant in culturally diverse environments or contexts where moral and ethical considerations play a significant role. By integrating a deep understanding of cultural norms and institutional constraints, decision-makers can ensure decisions resonate with stakeholders and foster a sense of unity.
  5. Pre, During, and Post Crisis Decision Making: This approach advocates a comprehensive strategy that involves preparation before a crisis, agile decision-making during the crisis, and a thoughtful recovery process post-crisis. By proactively planning and developing contingencies, organizations can effectively respond to unforeseen events and minimize the impact of crises. During a crisis, decision-makers need to display flexibility and resourcefulness to adapt to rapidly changing circumstances. Once the crisis has subsided, decision-makers must engage in a post-crisis assessment to identify lessons learned and implement measures to build resilience for the future.
  6. Comparative Analysis:

Adaptability: VUCA excels in promoting adaptability in turbulent environments, whereas Pre, During, and Post Crisis Decision Making focuses on preparedness and resilience. VUCA encourages decision-makers to embrace change and respond swiftly to evolving circumstances, while Pre, During, and Post Crisis Decision Making prioritizes strategic planning to navigate crises effectively.

Analytical Rigor: TUNA emphasizes thorough analysis and data-driven decision-making, while BANI focuses on understanding cultural and organizational influences on decisions. TUNA’s structured approach helps in making well-informed choices based on factual evidence, while BANI considers the influence of values, norms, and beliefs in shaping decisions.

Value Alignment: BANI prioritizes alignment with beliefs and values, while Pre, During, and Post Crisis Decision Making ensures that decisions are consistent with long-term organizational goals. BANI encourages decision-makers to assess choices against core values, fostering ethical and moral decision-making. Pre, During, and Post Crisis Decision Making aligns decisions with broader strategic objectives to ensure sustainable success beyond the crisis.

Timing: VUCA and Pre, During, and Post Crisis Decision Making emphasize decision-making at different stages of a crisis, with the former focusing on agility during crises and the latter on strategic planning before, during, and after. VUCA is particularly relevant in rapidly unfolding situations, where quick adaptations are necessary, whereas Pre, During, and Post Crisis Decision Making involves a holistic approach, preparing for, responding to, and recovering from crises.

Application Scenarios:

VUCA: Best suited for rapidly changing industries or unpredictable environments, such as technology and emerging markets. Organizations operating in these contexts benefit from embracing uncertainty and leveraging opportunities in volatile circumstances.

TUNA: Ideal for situations demanding thorough analysis, such as financial planning and investment decisions. TUNA’s analytical rigor aids in making informed choices based on comprehensive evaluations of potential outcomes.

BANI: Valuable in culturally diverse organizations or when moral and ethical considerations are significant, as in the healthcare and social sectors. Decision-makers can utilize BANI to align choices with cultural norms and beliefs, gaining broader support for their decisions.

Pre, During, and Post Crisis Decision Making: Suitable for any organization seeking to enhance overall crisis management and long-term resilience. By adopting a proactive approach to crisis preparedness, agile decision-making during the crisis, and thoughtful recovery strategies, organizations can mitigate the impact of crises and position themselves for sustainable success.

Conclusion: The four decision-making frameworks, VUCA, TUNA, BANI, and Pre, During, and Post Crisis Decision Making, offer distinct approaches to tackle challenges in times of crisis. Combining elements from these frameworks can empower decision-makers with a holistic understanding and versatile problem-solving abilities. By adapting the most relevant principles from each approach, organizations can position themselves to navigate crises effectively and ensure sustainable success. A dynamic decision-making approach, driven by a combination of adaptability, analytical rigor, value alignment, and strategic timing, is essential to thrive in an ever-evolving world.

