
Andrea Saavedra
5 min readNov 26, 2019


My team Danny and Dominick were assigned a wicked problem regarding medicine.

1. Summary

The challenge is how might we transform the end-to-end experience in public hospitals? In the healthcare system they are so many factors that come to play with vague dilema. For instance, an online check in/registration approach for the ER or visit probably need to take in consideration whether people will either bypass if they in pain or will everyone else submit that their feeling extreme in pain to get immediate response. Taking a stroll at Jackson Hospital it’s very busy, hectic and crowded with patients. Overall, leading to a difficult experience and long wait to be treated or consulted. Although, how many of these visits can be reduced?

“Prescribed medications are intended to reduce hospitalization, prevent complications, even keep them alive. But even when the stakes are high, many patients don’t take their meds.” -New York Times

Improving user treatments relationship with prescription can help people reduce the amount hospitalization therefore, creating a better overall situation for you, physician and pharmacist.

2. Research:

In a survey of 67 responses:

Have you or a love-one ever skipped or overdose on medicine? 62% responded “yes.”

29.9% responded neutral. These questions are slightly sensitive as well to others.

Top 3 responses towards what do you feel that would improve your experience? 1- Better pharmacy labels, 2- Reminders, 3- Better description of the medicine, and the dosage to take.

Common testimonals:

“Had taken medication too close together”

“I find it difficult to remember while on vacation, there are so many activities and excitement that my pill is the last thing on my mind.”

  • Experts estimate that up to 50 percent of medications that physicians prescribe to their patients don’t end up being taken as directed.
  • In 2017, FDA estimates that 1.3 million people have encountered dosage errors annually in the U.S.


Affinity Map:

This method helps our group to organize the main points that the daily patients encounter. Common pattern focusing that memory and reassurance regarding the label.Also, not well informed about side effects, counterreactions and adjusting the frequency when taking their dosage.

See? The label is too small to put enough description about the medicine. The ink can fade or get wet. Most package insert attached when pick up prescription either gets looked once or thrown out. What if that information stays on with you on moible devices? Save time researching what taking? Manage accurately without the panie seeing a healthcare provider…


Bio: Micheal is a Creative Director that wears many hats at Dolman Creatives. Busy managing a team while working with clients & stakeholders. He eats lunch at his desk and never leaves on time. Hoping to stay healthy and a happy grandfather.


Try to live healthy and be active.

Eat well.

Manage and track medicine.


Easily forget stuff.

Highblood pressure rises especially during moments of stress.

Adjusting to new technology.

Empathy path:

Story: Michael arrives home late from his nightly adventures. Oh no, it’s past midnight. Takes his meds right before bed. Early morning, he goes has breakfast and not actually calculates the time between he goes take another dosage. Stomach feels a little sensitive. In his mind no biggy. Like the prescription declares take with meals. Few hours later doing his routine, go on doing errands, play golf, hanging out with friends and family. Of course with all this joy & fun the last thing on his mind is medicine. Later that day, he arrives home taking his next dosage gets distracted by a phone call from a love-one. All of a sudden his head feels hazy.


How might we improve middle-aged adults to properly track and manage dose so that customers are more successful based on recurrent prescription purchases.

We believe an electronic notification that can record & track prescriptions through an application for middle-aged adults will achieve pharmaceutical trust. We will know we are right when customers purchase prescription within a consistent time frame.

Phase 1 Test: Paper Prototype

Phase 2 Test: Mid-Fidelity

My Big Take-Away:

Even though its repeated idea more research can be done. Practically its a never ending alternating entity. Next step, will research how people are aware cross interaction effects with medicine. Maybe incorporating data about how Mixing Medications and Dietary Supplements Can Endanger Your Health can be useful in this application feature.

Notice a pattern of people do admit of googling if alcohol will influence their medicine or much can they drink and not worry about. So many pain points can be researched and tested to create a better experience. What is the common denominator that people are concerned that they feel is unclear that could be addressed?

