DeWayne Reeves
4 min readApr 22, 2018

CT Global (CTG) Founder Issues H/T to Journalist

CT Global (CTG) “Cryptocurrency for the Global Christian Community”

Our thanks to the author of this article for sharing their thoughts on both CT Global (CTG), Christian Traders, and Cryptocurrency at large. I encourage you the reader, to click through and contemplate the astute and timely commentary regarding what history may someday view as the beginning of a tectonic shift in the world’s definition of money.

The way we earn, spend, and hold, our “storehouse of value” is rapidly changing. Cryptocurrency knows no boundaries… not geographically, or socioeconomically.

It is the stuff early monetary idealists could only dream of, but which is now becoming a rapid reality for the masses. A reality only made possible by the decisions and choices of a few brave visionaries.

Small communities of forward-thinking pioneers who have mined the possibilities are leading the advance. Whatever your tribe, be it BTC, ETH, EOS, or CTG (to name but a few), your actions more than your words, are paving the way.

“Never let it be said that a small group of people cannot change the world, when in fact, it is all that ever has.”
Margaret Mitchell

Blockchain Technology brings opportunity, and access to world capital markets, thus creating a more level playing field for entrepreneurs and small businesses in third world countries and developing nations.

As we stand at ground zero of this fiscal revolution, we can only speculate the impact it will have on generations to come. Wealth as we know it will be redefined and I believe poverty as we know it today, will become no more than a disturbing footnote in college textbooks.

What man has called “money” up to this point, may soon be viewed as more of a problem than a solution to the many crisis humanity faces. We live in a world that contains more than enough, yet daily we see the staggering statistics of starvation, disease, war, and the ongoing saga of mans “inhumanity to man”.

We’ve arrived at the brink of a new dawn, a new day, standing on the shoulders of giants like Thomas Jefferson. He clearly warned early America, and the world, about the dangers of a “central banking policy”. He advised us to avoid it like the plague. Everything he cautioned us would happen, as a result of such a decision, we have now seen come to pass and even more.

Make no mistake, the Federal Reserve (a non-government, private corporation), has turned every American man, woman, and child, into an indentured servant for eternity. The only exception of course, would be those Americans who actually benefit from the actions and policy of the Fed.

Isn’t that just a conspiracy theory among the “have-nots”, you might ask? I present as evidence the most recent recession in our country, or “economic near-death experience” as I’ve labeled it.

Did the Fed take action? Indeed! This perfect storm became the ideal smoke-screen for the fleecing of America. It gave the Fed a credible reason (excuse) for creating trillions of dollars out of thin air (aka… the American taxpayers pocket).

However, “Saving America” came at great cost to you and I, as well as every generation that follows in our footsteps. Unfortunately, those who needed it most, from homeowners to small businesses, never even saw it. Banks were made flush with cash and then incentivized to keep it in-house.

If your business was struggling or your home underwater, a visit to the bank was met with nothing more than a cold stare. Why risk making loans with their new found cash, when a risk-free daily bonus could be had, just to let it sleep?

Should you require more evidence as to why decentralization is so important, simply turn to the history of our nation since the creation of the Fed. You might also ask yourself why Banks are so fearful today? In a decentralized economy, they become unnecessary. While some Bankers are ranting in the streets (Jamie Dimon), others are rushing to re-invent themselves (Jamie Dimon).

Who knows, the day might even come when banks (if still around), return to handing out toasters and addressing their clients as Mr. or Mrs.. Once again providing valuable services to grateful consumers, as opposed to being the only terrifying option available to those who were born without a reserved seat at the “Circle of Greed” table.

We at CT Global and CFRN are Christian Traders and also Capitalists. Our doors are open to all people who embrace the concept and challenge of a better life, and a better way.


The Power of CTG
is not in the Token,
but the hands that hold it.

DeWayne Reeves — Founder

CTG is a fully ERC-20 Compliant Token trading on the ForkDelta Exchange.

To learn more, go to:, and Also, visit us on Discord, FB, Twitter, pretty much wherever the Internet will take you. Make yourself at home and tune in to our daily live broadcast on CFRN.

#CTGlobal #CTG #ChristianTraders #Cryptocurrency #BTC #ETH #EOS #ForkDelta

DeWayne Reeves

A former equities trader, DeWayne has focused primarily on the S&P 500 Emini Futures Market for the past 13 years. Tune in — Daily Live Broadcast @