From Dance Class to Soulmates

Ekta Rana, Ph.D.
5 min readJun 21, 2023

“A delayed cab, a delayed kiss, sometimes delays are just disguised blessings.”

In the pulsating heart of a lively dance studio, under the undulating glow of fluorescent lights, my eyes first alighted upon Atulan. Amidst the rhythmic ballet of moving bodies, he was a vision that instantly captured my undivided attention. His aura shimmered with a potent magnetism, a vivid energy that made him stand head and shoulders above the anonymous sea of fellow dancers.

He possessed an irresistibly alluring charm, a charisma that seemed as effortless as it was potent. His striking features were the epitome of beauty, an arresting visage so splendid it could have served as a model for a sculptor seeking to recreate the world of beauty. The spell he wove around the room was palpable, his captivating presence amplified amongst our dancing peers like a single star that outshines the constellation it resides within.

Lured by his enigmatic charisma, a wave of bravery swept over me, impelling me to venture beyond the ephemeral encounters of our dance lessons. In the solitude of my room, I dared to expand the boundaries of our nascent relationship, stretching its strands into the virtual world.

It was within the digital mosaic of Instagram that I found the courage to compose a message to him, each typed word a witness to my growing interest. It was a seemingly harmless communique, its significance concealed in everyday pleasantries. Yet it bore the weight of a beginning, the genesis of a connection that promised to flourish in the terrains of the heart.

As if choreographed by a cosmic playwright, the courses of our lives intertwined with a poignant intimacy during a grand tableau of celebration — a cherished confidant’s birth anniversary. Illuminated by the glowing embers of friendship and the spark of a new beginning, the setting was as fitting as it was fortuitous.

In the cradle of the chaotic city, we found ourselves entrapped within the confines of a shared cab, our journey impeded by the relentless dance of city traffic. This serendipitous intermission, as if the city itself was conspiring, turned into the crucible for our budding camaraderie.

In the backdrop of the urban symphony, our words wove a web of flirtatious banter, a playful verbal ballet that tested and revealed our compatibility. The cab, our temporary sanctuary, reverberated with our shared mirth, the air pulsating with a rhythm born of our laughter. This fleeting refuge, in its warmth and echo, transformed from a mere vessel of transport to the birthplace of an unforeseen connection.

Setting sail on this unexplored sea of vulnerability, I dared to broach a question whose audacious undertones hung in the space between us like a tangible entity, creating ripples in the fabric of our newly-formed connection — why had he refrained from seizing the fleeting moment to press his lips against mine?

The audacity of my inquiry seemed to dance with the cosmic rhythm, tickling the universe’s sense of daring. As if the cosmos itself was a silent observer of our brazen exchange and approved of it, the firmament overhead ripped open. With a sudden ferocity, the skies began to weep, releasing a deluge that drowned our immediate world. It was as if the heavens themselves were reflecting our escalating passions, offering a mirror to the storm of emotions brewing within us, washing the world anew in the rawness of our unfiltered feelings.

During the rhythmic opus spun by the descending rain, our lips, as if instinctively drawn by some unseen compass, found solace in each other. The sensation was not merely of the moment, but it was as if a millennium of longing had met its sweet culmination. The profound intensity of that rendezvous left an indelible mark in the memory vault, forever echoing in its hidden corridors.

It was as if time, for that fleeting moment, had decided to capture itself in an enchanting frame, bestowing upon it an unreal beauty that teased the boundaries of the ether. This remarkable snapshot, so radiant in its surreal allure, was held captive in the silent depths of my memory, in that hushed space between consciousness and oblivion, where it continues to shimmer with an ethereal luminescence.

As our relationship matured, it found fertile ground in the uncharted realms of our first shared adventure. The voyage led us to the golden coastline of Goa, painted with a palette of sunshine. Bathed in warm, gilded rays, the sands of time welcomed our footprints with a gentle, embracing touch, leaving an everlasting imprint on our shared history.

The radiant spectacle of the sun bidding adieu, as it drowned itself in the infinite expanse of the Arabian Sea, stitched a path of hues against the vast canvas of the evening sky. Against this backdrop of nature’s grand theatre, we discovered the delicate threads of our destinies weaving an intricate pattern.

Our souls, touched by the sublime magic of the moment, began to resonate in a profound symphony. The rhythm was unlike any worldly music, it was the song of union, a harmonious tune spun from the silken strands of our entwined hearts. The melody whispered the unsaid words, the ones that confirmed our unity, echoed our commitment, and affirmed the blossoming love that had taken root in the core of our togetherness.

Nevertheless, the golden orb of our shared happiness was not invincible to the piercing arrows of societal judgment. From every corner, disapproving glances flung at us like invisible daggers, each carrying a silent question: ‘Why them?’ Harsh whispers floated in the air, like venomous serpents hissing maliciously in the dark, seeking to gnaw at the roots of our bond.

“Judgment is the wind, and love is the tree; the stronger the wind, the sturdier the tree.”

Yet, such adversity did not weaken our connection; instead, it became the blacksmith’s hammer to the molten metal of our love. It shaped and hardened us, each blow echoing with defiance against the societal norms that aimed to bind us. In the forge of disdain and suspicion, a stronger bond was formed. Our shared resolve became a flare, a rebellious flame flickering steadfastly in the midst of a sea of doubt, drawing us even closer.

In the maelstrom of existence, through its tumultuous ebbs and flows, we have endured side by side. Together, we have weathered the giddy pinnacles of intoxicating joy and plummeted into the shadowy abyss of profound despair.

As I gaze upon the path of our shared odyssey, intricately woven with threads of laughter, tears, and unspoken understanding, I find it impossible to conjure an image of a more fitting ally to journey alongside through the labyrinth of life.

A confidante, with whom I can bask in the majestic glow of our most triumphant victories, our spirits soaring skywards on the wings of elation. A confidante, to whom I can bare the raw, unadorned wounds of our most devastating defeats, our hearts sinking in the quicksand of vulnerability. I see us, standing as one, exploring the endless enigma of life, hand in hand.

Story: Atulan & Divesh



Ekta Rana, Ph.D.

I weave real stories of love, struggle, and triumph. If you have a story to tell, I invite you to share via Google Form: