Racing with Destiny

Ekta Rana, Ph.D.
8 min readJul 24, 2023

“Cancer can take away all my physical abilities, but it cannot touch my soul.”

Prachi Kulkarni

Perched on the edge of destiny, I found myself caught in the tantalizing anticipation of another monumental marathon weekend in the glistening cityscape of Dubai, an event marked by the second star in my ever-expanding constellation of endurance tests. Months of unyielding discipline and relentless training had swept me to this nexus point in the annual race calendar, drawing runners from across the globe, their hearts ablaze with shared exhilaration.

The winter season that had recently taken its final bow had been an opulent procession of triumphs for me. Six half marathon medals, each one a symbol of sweat-soaked resistance, were added to my burgeoning trophy cabinet, flanked by a medal from a grueling full marathon. They shone as tokens of victory against the relentlessness of the human body, each one a tribute to a battle fought and won.

Outside the racecourse, my thirst for pushing boundaries remained unquenched. The local gym bore witness to my daily dance with combat in the form of intense kickboxing sessions, my fists slicing through the air, each movement a choreography of strength. As a balancing act, I sought the tranquil lap of the pool, where invigorating swimming sessions offered a soothing counterpoint to the raw intensity of the ring. Every stroke, every breath, every beat of my heart, echoed in the water’s embrace, pushing me further along the path of my relentless quest.

Together, they wove a rhythm of persistence and power, propelling me to clock a formidable distance of 90 kilometers every month. I had become a living embodiment of the marriage of mental grit and physical prowess, a human fortress standing tall against the tempest of tests.

Yet, like a rogue wave disrupting the calm of a tranquil sea, an unforeseen clinical revelation shook the ground beneath my feet, steering my life down a road I hadn’t glimpsed on any of my marathon maps.

The words echoed ominously in the cold, sterile air of the doctor’s office: Stage 2 breast cancer, the malignant cells having staked their claim in the lymph nodes as well. A stark decree, a frightful nemesis to wrestle with. The entire month was spent in a whirlwind of endless scans, countless tests, and a gnawing uncertainty gnashing at my spirit.

By the time December 2021 unfurled its icy wings, I was facing down the impersonal machinery of my first chemotherapy session, a war declared against the alien invasion within my own body. A mere week later, the cunning sabotage of side effects began to unfold like a gruesome tableau. My gut, once resilient, now felt like a fragile battlefield, subjected to alternating assaults of constipation and diarrhea.

The relentless agony was made more palpable by the insidious soreness that cloaked me, a constant reminder of the war within, forging an unwelcome intimacy with discomfort. The climax of this macabre symphony was a dreaded trip to the emergency room, the battlefield scarred by the arrival of grade 4 hemorrhoids.

Stripped of my ability to partake in the simplest human activities — walking or even just sitting — life had assumed a staccato rhythm, punctuated by bouts of pain and exhaustion. Sleep, that once sweet refuge, had been ousted to a remote corner of my existence, a tantalizing luxury that seemed as elusive as a shooting star in a storm-ridden night.

The solemn edict from my healer seemed to hang in the air, resonating through the cold sterility of the consulting room, “You are to abstain from the pursuit of the wind beneath your feet till the sun sets on August 2022.” A statement that, in another man’s life, may have been a mere footnote, an inconsequential ripple in the flowing river of existence. Yet for me, whose soul sang in the rhythm of footfalls on the trail, it was as though the very ground had been snatched from beneath me.

The subsequent months unfolded like a tempestuous seascape, violently heaving with monstrous waves of emotional turbulence, only to recede into brief, agonizing lulls. Here was a devout runner, stripped of the power to follow her heart’s desire, each passing day amplifying the echoing silence of stillness. The once joyful thrum of pounding sneakers on the pavement was replaced by the torturous ticking of the clock, its hands now a cruel reminder of my static state.

Yet within this maelstrom, amidst the storm of despair, a resolution crystallized within me — a pledge whispered to the silent depths of my heart. I promised myself that I would, once again, match the strides of my pre-cancer self within a year. An ambition, formidable and imposing, that rose like a phoenix from the ashes of my shattered routine, defiant in the face of my current plight.

“Your biggest challenge isn’t someone else, it’s the ache in your lungs and the burning in your legs.”

The calendar pages had turned over twice since the tormenting day of my encounter with the emergency room. Life had picked up its pace, while mine was still languishing in the aftermath, but I was on the mend, slowly, yet steadily. I bore the mantle of a survivor, born out of the crucible of adversity, piecing together the shards of my splintered spirit.

My reliable running shoes, like old friends, bore witness to my newfound determination, quietly accompanying me as I dared to step into the external world. The line that demarcated the sanctuary of my home from the chaotic world outside bore an unusual significance. It wasn’t merely a threshold anymore but a starting line in the marathon of recovery that I had signed myself up for. I served as my guiding light, the flame flickering yet steady, feeding my resolve with whispered affirmations. “You are brave,” I told myself, “Braver than you can fathom. Cross this line, embrace the world, and you are victorious.”

During my methodical and laborious promenades, the birds sang their symphony. Their melodies, unfettered by life’s trials and tribulations, reverberated in the open air, acting as a gentle nudge, a reminder that the world was still spinning, life still blossoming in all corners. The warmth of the sun’s rays kissed my skin, a comforting embrace that even the most profound words of sympathy couldn’t match. Every step I took was a painful endeavor, a reminder of my ordeal, yet it was also a step closer to the end of my journey. Each fallen toenail was a stark witness to my struggle, but it was also a symbol of my body’s unwavering determination to heal itself, shedding the old, and making way for the new.

The path was arduous, filled with jogs that caused pain through my veins. But even in my suffering, I gripped onto my dignity with an iron resolve, a banner of pride that no discomfort could bring down. Life had presented me with a challenge, but I chose to look it in the eye and face it head-on. In the heart of the storm, I found my calm, and I clung to it, healing, growing, and stepping towards a new dawn.

With the arrival of April, a sense of renewal imbued the air. My exhausting jogs frequently ended in a vortex of disorientation, yet in that dizzying confusion, the glimmer of hope burned brighter, it's flame steady, holding forth the promise of brighter days ahead.

Each dawn painted a tableau of emerging light, a visual metaphor for the journey I was on. I would pull on my running shoes, their laces weaving a complex pattern akin to the convoluted journey of my recovery. They were my armor, silent evidence of the journey I had embarked upon, the very foundation on which I built my strength, step by laborious step. My words of encouragement echoed through the quietude of my room, a self-made mantra that gave shape to my resolve. Like a seasoned warrior girding for battle, I would brace myself and step out, embracing the world, the chill of the morning air a sharp reminder of the reality I had chosen to conquer.

Every footfall on the concrete, every mile added to the tally was a trophy I claimed for myself, a victory against the odds. It was concrete proof of personal resilience, a visible proof that perseverance could indeed bend the arc of life toward healing. The journey was marked by painstaking efforts, trials, and tribulations, but it was a journey nonetheless. It was my journey, and I chose to make each day count, one stride at a time.

As May’s blossoms unfurled their vibrant colors and filled the air with a rejuvenating fragrance, a parallel transformation was underway within me. Sixteen grueling sessions of chemotherapy — a relentless battle against invisible enemies — had reached their end. There was an indescribable shift within my core, a burgeoning sense of vitality that surpassed the ordeal I had just endured.

My feet, which had walked through the shadowy corridors of uncertainty, now sported a pair of neon green shoes. They were not merely accessories, but tangible symbols of my resurgence, amidst the pastel palette of the burgeoning spring. Infused with newfound vigor, I ran. No, I surged forward, as unstoppable as a gust of wind. The world blurred around me, yet my vision was clear as ever. My once impossible dream — a 5 km run — collapsed under the unyielding weight of my determination, completed in a swift, breathtaking 28 minutes. It was a goal I had penciled into my 2023 blueprint of ambition, a distant milestone that was now etched into the reality of my existence.

My timeline, once an ominous forecast, was now painted with strokes of triumph, signifying the capacity of the human spirit to rewrite its destiny. Each hushed whisper of self-affirmation, each determined “I’m stronger than I think” was a conscious act of aligning myself with the universe’s benevolent energies. Each word was a signal, illuminating my path, making visible the once elusive belief in my strength.

The journey was a formidable opponent, a steep mountain that seemed unscalable at times, yet the daunting ascension was not an impossibility. It was an invitation to test the limits of my endurance, to tread where I had never dared, to fall, and to rise again. Each day was an indication of my perseverance, a silent tribute to the strength that was molded in the crucible of my struggles. And as I looked back at the tracks I had left behind, I could only marvel at the essence of the human spirit that had carried me this far, and the unseen horizons it promised to help me explore.

Today, I stand as a tangible testament to the flexibility of the human spirit, my story etched with chapters of strife and passages of overcoming. Each bump, each jagged edge of hardship, not just withstood, but thrashed, mirroring the gallant combats of a tenacious pugilist. Clad in my scarlet gloves of defiance, neon laces braided in a pledge of fortitude, I am poised on the precipice of my destiny, prepared to surge headlong toward the coveted end line.

“You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it.”

The concerto of avian melodies, the comforting kiss of the sun’s morning light, these perennial harbingers of dawn will persist, painting the world in hues of hope. As for me, I, my own most valiant companion, bereft of a protective mane yet overflowing with an indomitable spirit, we’re on the cusp of stepping out into the world that lies beyond the familiar door.

We set forth not just to follow the existing timelines drawn for us by fate, but to etch new ones, to scribe a narrative anew. A narrative that echoes the echoes of past struggles but redefines their outcomes, a narrative that doesn’t just recount history but actively rewrites it. We are no longer mere spectators in the theatre of life, we have taken the stage, seizing the quill to rewrite our staunch history, one triumphant step at a time.

Story: Prachi Kulkarni



Ekta Rana, Ph.D.

I weave real stories of love, struggle, and triumph. If you have a story to tell, I invite you to share via Google Form: