Case Study On Tech Gadgets

4 min readFeb 23, 2023


Let’s know first what is meant by a tech gadget “A tech gadget or a technical gadget is an electronic or a mechanical device with a practical use”.some of the tech gadgets are shown below..

Role of Tech Gadgets in Health Sector

Technology has been increasing day by day The important sectors like health sector also have been developed in many aspects especially in usage of technological gadgets. New innovations 💡 are being takes place like smart watches which measures blood pressure, heart beat,the distance that you have walked etc. The notable innovation is the connected inhalers. The connected inhalers are the smart inhalers which are connected to mobile phone via Bluetooth,it contains a biosensor which tracks every dose that a asthma patient use and reminds the patient about the dosage when he/she forgets.

● With the help of these connected inhalers 66% asthma deaths were prevented.

●Eye tracking devices are also introduced to track the position and movement an eye.

These tech gadgets enable us to track our health. The recorded data can be shared to physicians so that better treatment can be provided.

Role of Tech Gadgets in Education system

“Technological gadgets can become the “wings” that will allow the education world to fly farther and faster than ever before”.

Today’s schools are changing and use of technological gadgets are enhanced.

Students can able to enhances their skills and these gadgets can help the students for better understanding purpose. ●Projectors on their surface are a simple techno that has been around for decades.These are used to project lecture notes or multimedia presentations.

Visualized lectures helps the students to learn sprightly.

●The presence of computers or tablets in the classroom is fairly common in developed countries. During pandemic we have also witnessed the virtual learning. Online education enables you to study or teach from anywhere in the world. Online classes emerged as a new method of learning now a days ,especially during pandemic.

●some other gadgets that are used in education are smart board, smart tables etc.

Smart Phone Applications

It has a wide range of applications.

Some of them are

1.Learning purpose

We can use smart phone for learning purpose .If we can’t afford to go for a coaching for any competitive examinations then you can learn from the apps or onlinebooks. There are so many people who Cracked many jobs through learning on internet.

Arun Rai is the best example who Cracked toughest examination in India i.e

Civils service examination in 2014.

2.Cyber crime

There are some apps on play store they can be downloaded in mobile phones. They will help you when you are in danger situation. Disha app one of those apps which is for girls …if any social element misbehaved with you , then you can get help from the police quickly.

3.Health sector

A smart phone contribute to the improvement of health sector as there are so many apps available which connects patients and doctors virtually. Apps like covid19 gives you safety precautions and the Medicine taken for a particular symptom to the patient.


Online marketing have been increased in recent days. Especially during pandemic time. People are procuring their necesitties through online apps such as Amazon,Flipkart etc.


Gadgets helps us in various ways in life. It helps us to make our things faster and saves our time. However, anything that is used beyond need and limits always gives

Bad effects. Use them wisely. If we use them in a good way then we can achieve whatever we want..

Thank you

