
Sep 15, 2024


Come on, old soldier
I’ll band you to less of a lament
Come to me tired man
I’ll feed and nurse you to your feet

To fight another day
To know another battle
Always new hills to conquer
New walls to climb

Come, old soldier
Rest now, go to sleep
Tomorrow the storm comes again
And in cold and drenched coats
You’ll look for peace among the chaos

Come to me, old man
The last breath lies
You’ll rise again in torture
To what time eternal look you wet in the eyes
You know no peace

Old soldier
You, split apart by the sword of malcontent

Tired man
You, who can’t stop fighting
for the war follows you
haunts you, to your hell

Rest once, a sharp second
Great pale of silent canons
A small respite, if you’re in luck
Tomorrow the war is again



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