San Francisco: JANG Street Art

Drew Hates Medium
4 min readNov 25, 2023


The location is Richmond neighborhood, San Francisco. The artist is named JANG and really builds in these fun whimsical almost always satirical art pieces, and his medium is print paper and wheat paste which is a classic street art tactic. Over the next few paragraphs will go through a few of my favorite gang pieces that I found and talk about exactly what he’s thinking through with the satirical elements and everything else they are throwing up on the wall.

This first gang is really cool. It has a sort of ceramic tile type aesthetic to it. When you look a little closer, you can realize that it’s wheat paste it in a couple different parts onto the frame the background appears to be white paper, wheat paste it into the wall, I really like the color palette of this first one. It really jumps out of you. The size is probably 4 feet high by five or 6 feet wide and it really jumps out at you as you’re walking down the street past it.

JANG Musical Satire

There’s a series of satirical prints that Zhang put on the same street and will start by looking at this LL Cool J JNG print. Like the others this one is a paper and wheat paste medium with print on top. This is one of the only pieces where he uses non-character design. With six hats, potentially some interesting symbolism with the Kangal hat, and the New York baseball hat.

Continuing with the musical satirical overtones, this next piece is called KOOL and the gang. This pieces like the others appears to be a wheat paste, medium with printed paper against the wall. This piece has high owes turning into records.

WU — JANG ain’t nothing to fuck with. This piece is a satire of the musical group Wu-Tang Clan, and does a really nice job of reworking the Wu-Tang Clan, visual branding and incorporating the JANG. the simplicity of this one probably makes it my favorite while the yellow and black high contrast color choice is a common JANG aesthetic.

JANG Theater Satire

This one for me is a little confusing because it seems to be a split between a satire for the movie Django unchained, and also has the visual iconography of the Muni bus system here in San Francisco. nice piece. I love the Muni visual, being reused and rebranded create a really nice specific sf city aesthetic.

JANG Street Art Satire

Jangsy is a delicious satire of the Uber popular Banksy artist wave in the street art scene. Period. I love how this scene really both fully claims the bank, Cetera clerical aesthetic as well as really grabs your eye with the worthless rat paint. Overall, I think this is my favorite Jang piece it really moves, the viewer and the satirical elements are much more relevant to street art than some of the other themes we’ve seen.

If you’d like to find these yourself, you can locate them in the inner Richmond neighborhood San Francisco. This is the type of street art that really helps communities push forward. It has nice aesthetic elements to clean up the streets as well as interesting artistic elements to muse on as you’re doing your daily activities in the city.

More theatrical satire seen here with New Jang City

This one is a little confusing. Jang is using a stencil to tag what looks like potentially a yearbook.

If you haven’t eaten at Jang’s “bojangles



Drew Hates Medium

Drew is an artist, musician and camp adventurer who loves to see the beauty in our world’s systems.