Play #4 — Lottery Ticket Method

Drew x Ford
3 min readOct 21, 2023


Manifesting 101

I’m having so much fun creating this “playbook” for you. I truly believe life is a game — and when you align yourself with the laws of the universe and have the right “plays” it becomes easy.


Your perspective starts to transform about the human experience and what we’re doing here as a species.

This is one of my favorite plays in the whole playbook because it simplifies one of the most misunderstood topics (manifestation)… PERFECTLY.

The first time I heard about manifestation was when “The Secret” movie came out.

And I remember it getting a bunch of hate from people, saying that it was complete BS and that you can’t just magically think something into existence. I was one of them ☠️

But the deeper I dove into the topic I realized that it wasn’t magic — that our consciousness, our imagination, and our thoughts are the only reality.

The only way to experience everything you want in this life is by first creating it in your mind (which will also determine the actions you take).

And then I finally heard an analogy that explained how manifestation actually works… and it’s called THE LOTTERY TICKET METHOD.

Imagine for a second that you bought a lottery ticket for a $100 million lottery.

You go home, you’re watching the show…

and YOU WIN. You win $100 million.

Think about it for a second, close your eyes if you have to.

How do you feel? How does your body feel?

You’re STOKED. You’re pumped full of excitement. It’s hard to even articulate what that feeling would be like.

So then you go the next morning to collect the money and they tell you that you have to wait 30 days before the money clears.

So think about now how you would be moving through the next 30 days.

Remember, you still have ZERO extra dollars in your bank account but for the next 30 days how are you skating through life?

You’re happy.

You’re energetic.

You’re giving.

You’re carefree.

You’re loving.

You’re ecstatic.

You’re bursting full of excitement.

Even if someone tried to bring you down or said something to try and offend you… they couldn’t.

It would just bounce off you because you’re vibrating at such a high level.

Because you know that $100 million is going to be yours in 30 days.

That is the power of manifestation.

You can apply this to your life, business, body, relationships, ANYTHING…

That is what it means when you raise your vibration.

It’s about the feelings and emotions inside your body (which are produced by your thoughts).

Your emotions are like a magnet that attracts similar and like experiences to you.

(and it works just the opposite way too)

If you’re feeling down, if you’re feeling sorry for yourself — you’re gonna attract more experiences that produce that emotion.

That’s why everything starts within. As within, so without.

Also, quick bonus tip…

Don’t worry about the “how” — that is what creates doubt and fear in your mind, which is the opposite of faith and expectancy.

I know it sounds counter-intuitive but just have to trust that it’s going to work out in perfect timing — in the perfect way. Let intuition guide you.

Faith and expectancy are the only ingredients to manifest your dream life.

Don’t let the “evidence of your senses,” as Neville Goddard would say, or past experiences dictate your future anticipations. It’s the sole reason you will stay in the same loop and never progress.

Hope this helped.


Drew x Ford



Drew x Ford

Creator of "The Programming Playbook" - helping you use subconscious reprogramming to create better physical, mental, and spiritual habits.