Coffee In The Morning

Andrew Weaver
3 min readAug 2, 2016

I’m not sure what I’ve become. I now drink a small cup of coffee every morning. This is a dramatic turn of events, since I’ve spent the past 37.5 years of my life mostly refusing to drink the stuff at any time during the day.

Nearly every morning I get a cup of coffee and drive to work, sipping away on the morning goodness as the sun rises. Contemplating life. Preparing my mind for work. Cruising along with traffic. Listening to music that is sometimes much older than I am.

And I love it.

When I was younger, I used to assign certain habits, or certain things that I considered to be old people things, and I’d think I would never be like that. These old people things included coffee, golf, and Wheel of Fortune to name just a few.

I learned to enjoy the game of golf — watching and playing — in my early 20’s, so I should have known this was going to happen. All the signs were there. These old people habits sneak up on you. One day you’re convinced you won’t drive like your parents did, then the next day you’re just cruising along — proudly displaying your turn signal for miles. One day you’re glad high school is over and you’ll never have to see those people again, then the next day you’re getting notifications on Facebook reminding you that your 20 year reunion is here. No, really. It happens like that.

The other day I was having a conversation with one of my much younger friends, Ashley. She didn’t know I had already started writing this post about my old people habits. We were simply discussing my newfound enjoyment of coffee, when she joked that I was starting to become an old man because I had taken to drinking coffee in the morning.

That confirmed it for me. It was’t just something in my head. It was true.

“You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.” — George Burns

Let’s examine a few of the changes that suddenly happened in the last year alone.

I’ve started wearing slippers around the house because they’re comfortable.

I’ve learned to appreciate and enjoy the music of David Bowie, Jackson Browne, Van Morrison, and many others from the 60’s and 70’s more than ever.

I’ve started waking up in the 4:00–4:30 AM hour — happily.

I’ve started going to bed by 10:00 PM — happily.

I’ve looked on with disapproval on the younger generation more than once.

These used to be old people things to me.

There are other examples, but you get the point. I’ve not started the Wheel of Fortune habit — yet. I’ll save that for next year. You have to admit though, it is reassuring to know that no matter what political upheaval, what wars, or what social changes we have to endure in this old world — there will always be Pat Sajak and Vanna White waiting for someone to spin that wheel.

Getting older is an odd thing. When you’re young, you never really think you’ll pick up habits of old people. Especially the habits your parents had that you observed with disdain. But, a large number of us do exactly that.

If you’re 25 or younger and you’re reading this — let this be a warning. You will do things, say things, and pick up habits that your parents or other older people you know do, say, and practice.

The trick is weeding out the bad ones.

Meanwhile, I’d like to buy a vowel, Pat.

