Via Claudio Zoncheddu

The Coming Shift of Niche Online Communities into Hubs in the Physical World

The economic opportunity for cities capitalizing on the shift of online communities into offline communities is real.

Drew Meyers
Published in
3 min readNov 27, 2013


We’re now in a world where geographic proximity isn’t the driving factor to bringing community members together. The following statement, from the recent Software Is Reorganizing the World article, is quite telling:

People are meeting like minds in the cloud and traveling to meet each other offline, in the process building community — and tools for community — where none existed before. Those cloud networks where people poke each other, share photos, and find their missing communities are beginning to catalyze waves of physical migration, beginning to reorganize the world.

So what? Why should I care? Why does it matter?

Communities are what attract people to physical locations. It’s well known that Silicon Valley is known for technology. New York = finance, fashion, and media. LA = entertainment. London = finance. Boulder = outdoors and entrepreneurship. Seattle = (hopefully) social entrepreneurship.

The next wave?

Over the coming years, we’re going to see niche communities emerge in the physical world.

Where is the strongest (& largest) microfinance community in the world? What about the largest yoga community? Cycling? Dirt biking? Impact HUB? Peace Corps? Kiva? Equestrian? Woodworking? Rails? Ghost? Discourse? Real estate technology? Archery? Scuba diving?

If you care deeply about any of those topics, or any of the thousands of other niche topics, you care who the people are in those communities. You care where those people are, so you can spend time in person with them to learn.

The starting point to moving online communities to offline communities — is making those niche communities transparent and connected, with a geo-layer overlaid. Only then can you discover where the true communities you care about are in the world.

The high level goal for Horizon long term is, and always has been, to connect people with shared passions & interests in person. There is a long, long way to go; we haven’t even scratched the surface. But we see this trend toward micro communities organizing in the physical world ahead of the curve, and in the crazy, ambitious mind of mine — I see an exponentially better way to connect, organize, and visualize the micro communities that exist all over the world.

I believe,once those micro community visualizations exist in the right way, we’ll see an acceleration of online communities forming into lasting communities in the physical world. Moving decisions WILL be driven by these visualizations, as will travel decisions. The cities that think strategically about the opportunity to build real, engaged, passionate micro communities ahead of the curve — are the ones that are going to capitalize on the economic opportunities associated with hosting those communities in the real world.

You’ve undoubtedly heard the advice, “Pick a Niche”.

Cities should take that same advice. Over time, every niche community will have a specific city known as the “hub”.

Will your city be one of them?



Drew Meyers
Empathy Engine

Real Estate Enthusiast, Blogger, Social Entrepreneurship. @Zillow Alum. Co-Founder - @gethorizonapp, Founder @geekestate.