Thoughts Of Love On Valentine’s Day
The anticipation of going to grade school. Hand made shoe box in hand with construction paper hearts. Thoughts of what boy will put a valentine in it with words of a crush.
Getting ready for high school butterflies in my stomach. Thinking of the romantic gestures of my then boyfriend. Walking in the hall seeing him from afar. Eyes lock, smiles exchanged teenage love in the air. Walks up to me kisses me, hands me a card and a rose.
As we grow older we all have core memories of love from our past. The gestures, words exchanged, love letters held onto. The moments of intimacy only you and the other person shared alone.
Valentine’s Day is a Hallmark holiday, what it represents to me. Is a day to reflect on relationships past and present. The connections, what has each love brought to your life. Many men and women on this day when they truly love another. It is a chance for them to show their vulnerability. The raw authentic love that they sometimes hold back. Due to society viewing romantic vulnerability as falling too hard for another.
The younger generation (I say this because I am 45) they seem to play games with love and commitment. It is a culture of push and pull, daring someone to get close to them. Due to the fear of rejection, rather than taking the chance of really allowing love into their lives. Not all, I am generalizing this is what I see on social media. I also witness this with my teenage daughters.
Not opening snaps right away to make the other wait. Games to me are not necessary. What happened to open communication? Love and connection is based on trust, not game playing. Do I blame this on technology? Social media and phones have definitely played a role. Instead of unplugging we are all constantly plugged in.
What happened to dancing in the rain? Talking in the car late nights, just being in the moment. The days I remember, are old school romance I think this generation is missing out on.
Maybe that is why I have always been a hopeless romantic. I was lucky enough to capture the moments of intimacy in my heart not on a phone. What is to come in love as time passes? Only time will tell.