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Climate Despair?

Not so much

4 min readAug 23, 2018


I have so little time, and live in a target-rich society. But there are some things that command attention, like the hollow debate and scare tactics that undergird many essays. It may be an effort to persuade us that we should believe that the one guy in America who is despondent about “extreme weather,” is sane; I’m not buying it.


Because the facts tell a different story.

More appropriate than the premise of some writing is the view that none of us need be hopeless. Yet, we are offered a certain and grim future in passages such as this little uplifting nightmare:

“… time to avoid catastrophic changes to our climate which won’t destroy the planet, but could make significant swathes of it uninhabitable for humans.”

“uninhabitable for humans”….and why is that such a bad thing? Because we say so?

This article’s title, “Extreme weather is triggering climate despair.” while it may have basis in fact, is driven by hyperbole centered on the contention that man has the ability to…



Visiting conservative fellow at Medium. Contrarian. Equal opportunity critic.