Dr. Feem
2 min readFeb 7, 2019


Do readers ever research your claims? Silly me, I did just that. Again. Once more, you’re telling whoppers and peddling porkies. What a shock.

“In fact, it’s only a little over one percent of abortions that are performed past the 21st week of pregnancy.”

Let’s unpack the numbers from Center for Disease Control: in 2015, the latest data available, there were 638,169 abortions performed in the US. Since 25 weeks is the accepted viability mark, let’s cut your number and posit that one-tenth of 1% of late-term abortions were beyond the claim of inviability. That means that you and those who think like you are comfortable killing 638 viable sons or daughters every year. This is nearly six times the number of school-shooting victims in 2018 (NOT deaths; victims).

Where is the outrage?

Next, I clicked on your “58%” claim:

“Support for Roe is at a historic high, and 58 percent of those surveyed say abortion should be legal in “all or most cases.””

and discovered not only fake news but skewed data and conclusions. On the same page I found this breakdown of the same data, from pewforum.org.:

Views about abortion, 2018: A detailed look

Though abortion is a divisive issue, more than half of U.S. adults take a non-absolutist position, saying that in most — but not all — cases, abortion should be legal (34%) or illegal (22%). Fewer take the position that in all cases abortion should be either legal (25%) or illegal (15%).

Finally, consider the fact that Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), blocked a Senate bill that would require doctors to give aid to babies who survived abortions, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act,

Get a grip, Jessica.



Dr. Feem

Visiting conservative fellow at Medium. Contrarian. Equal opportunity critic.